
dìnɡ qī shòu xiǎn
  • term life insurance
  1. 一个业务规则示例:定期寿险

    A business rules example : term life insurance

  2. 我们来考虑与定期寿险相关的业务规则。

    Let 's consider the case of business rules related to term life insurance .

  3. 样例规则选自我们的定期寿险示例。

    Sample rules are chosen from our term insurance example .

  4. 利率变动对定期寿险均衡纯保费的影响分析

    The Effect Analysis of The Variation of Interest Rate on Term Insurance 's Pure Premium

  5. 结果显示,当某一类消费群体的上网比例大幅增加时,该群体中的个人定期寿险保单价格下跌最快。

    The results show that prices for individual term life policies for people in a given group fell more during periods in which the group quickly adopted the Internet .

  6. 统计模型得出的结果表明,在互联网使用率和同一时间段内定期寿险的价格下跌之间有直接的联系。

    The results from the statistical models strongly suggest a direct connection between Internet usage and the total decline in prices of term life insurance policies over this time period .

  7. 应用随机优化控制理论和保险精算理论,对寿险公司保费投资的最优策略进行研究,得到了基于半连续定期寿险模型和幂函数效用函数的最优投资策略。

    By the theory of stochastic optimal control and actuarial theory , the paper studies the investment strategy for the life insurance premium , based on the semi-continuous term life insurance mode and power law utility function .