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  • 网络shaping effect
  1. 本研究主要从批评性话语分析的角度研究中国广播广告中的广播语言对社会性别定型的建构作用以及广播广告语言中体现的社会性别特征。

    This research intended to analyze the linguistic devices employed to construct gender stereotypes in Chinese radio advertisements .

  2. 文化定型具有积极作用也具有负面作用,学者们历来冠之以文化定型悖论。

    Stereotyping has positive as well as negative effects , which has been labeled by Chinese scholars as stereotyping paradox .

  3. 为充分发挥定型机具的作用,指出编制复式作业机组的可行性和重要性。

    In order to full play the roll of finalized type unit , the drawing up feasibility and importance of compound unit is indicated .

  4. 随着儿童年龄的增长,同伴之间的交往对儿童情绪发展的性别角色定型的制约作用日益明显。

    With children 's growth of age , the restrictive function of communication with partners to gender role stereotype of their emotional development became more and more obvious .

  5. 看似微不足道的慈善捐赠,却对西方社会的稳态定型起到巨大作用,而我国在这方面所存在的一系列相应问题,实在令人深思。

    The seemingly negligible philanthropic donation plays an enormous role in stabilizing the western society .

  6. 空舰导弹武器系统综合效能分析不但对导弹的定型起着一定作用,而且对装载该导弹的作战飞机的作战效能都具有重要的意义。

    Performance evaluation of the air-to-ship missile weapon system is important to both finalize the design and the effectiveness of the planes .

  7. 同时,在油水两相液滴模型的假设下,开展了直管和螺旋管的数值模拟计算,计算和实验结果比较后得到一些有益的结论,这对于高效油气水分离器定型有决策性作用。

    Finally , some beneficial conclusions are gained through comparing the results of calculation and experiment , and it s crucial for designing the high-efficiency oil-gas-water separator .

  8. 本文对涤纶纺真丝一步法倍捻机热定型工艺特性、定型热箱的作用及要求、定型条件的设定等作了较为全面的探讨。并进行了上机试验及加工丝绪指标测试。

    Discusses the heat setting technique , the function and requirements of the heating box , and the presetting of heat setting conditions of the two-for-one twister for silk-like polyester textured crepe .