
  • 网络pricing decision;Price;Price Decision-making;pricing
  1. 针对供应链时滞对产品供给定价决策的影响,研究了供给价格弹性Es≠1下供应链产品定价行为的非线性机制。

    Focused on supply chain delay which affects the pricing decision of supply production , the non-linear characteristic of pricing behavior in a supply chain condition on price elasticity E_s ≠ 1 is studied .

  2. 从价值链角度探讨OML公司产品定价决策与管理

    Study on Product Pricing Decision & Management of OML Company from Perspective of Value Chain

  3. 最后,本文运用Swarm平台对寡头垄断厂商定价决策系统进行了实证研究。

    At last , we have studied the price-making decision system of the oligarch monopolize firm with the help of the Swarm .

  4. 本文从博弈论的角度提出了电子市场供应商的模型表示,在这一模型的基础上,分析了在垄断情况下和竞争情况下,电子市场供应商在Nash均衡情况下的定价决策模型。

    In this paper , the author provides a model of e - market suppliers using game theory , and analyses the pricing decision model in the Nash equilibrium in the case of monopoly and competition .

  5. 从市场主体间定价决策差异化的角度,得出信息不对称导致IPO抑价问题的结论,以及发行制度改革对IPO抑价程度及IPO市场结构的最终影响。

    From the aspect of pricing decision-making diversities between market main bodies , we study IPO underpricing resulted from information asymmetry , as well as the reform of stock issue system how to reflect IPO underpricing degree and IPO market structure .

  6. 基于Beta-PERT分布的单项不良资产定价决策

    Purchasing a Non-performing Asset : Price Decision Based on Beta-PERT Distribution

  7. 基于实物期权与博弈的并购定价决策

    M & A Pricing Based on Real Option and Game Theory

  8. 研究了竞争扩散情况下产品动态定价决策问题。

    The dynamic optimal pricing for two competitive products under diffusion .

  9. 基于模糊神经网络的运输服务定价决策支持系统模型

    DSS of Transportation Services Pricing Based on Chaos - Neural Model

  10. 基于二层规划的供应链定价决策研究

    Study on the Supply Chain 's Pricing Decision Based on Bilevel Programming

  11. 企业并购定价决策研究数字产品动态定价方法

    Study on the M & As Pricing Strategy Pricing of Digital Product

  12. 我国水权交易博弈定价决策机理

    Price decision mechanics of Chinese water right trade in terms of game playing

  13. 关于产品定价决策规则

    A Research on the Decision Rules of Pricing Products

  14. 电子商务对企业定价决策的影响分析及对策

    Reflections on the Pricing Decision about E - business

  15. 定价决策权威对合作策略选择的影响分析

    Analysis of the Effects of Pricing Power on the Selection of Cooperation Strategies

  16. 出口商品与定价决策支持系统

    Export Commodity and Fixed Price Decision Support System

  17. 制造商-销售商供应链的动态定价决策

    Dynamic Pricing Decision for a Manufacturer-retailer Supply Chain

  18. 分析了不对称竞争条件下企业集团的转移定价决策问题。

    The problems of transfer pricing strategy of firms under asymmetric competition are analyzed .

  19. 透过价格听证制度看政府定价决策

    Government 's Price-Fixing Policy by Its Hearing System

  20. 奶制品供应链中的订货与定价决策分析

    Decision-making analysis of the optimal order quantity and pricing in the dairy supply Chain

  21. 加工企业与下游零售商定价决策模型&以绿色食品供应链为例

    Pricing Decision Model for Manufacturing Enterprises and Retailers

  22. 基于给定交付期的供应链相关定价决策研究

    Supply Chain Pricing Based on Given Delivery Time

  23. 论中国电信产品组合/定价决策的精细化

    A discussion of the refinement of product combination / price decision of China Telecom

  24. 两生产商单零售商的货架展示量与定价决策模型及协调策略设计

    Two Manufacturers and One Retailer 's Shelf-Display-Quantity and Pricing Decision Models and Coordinative Contracts Design

  25. 并进一步分析了影响我国跨国企业转让定价决策的主要因素。

    And then , We analyzed the main factors that affect the transfer pricing decision-making .

  26. 不对称竞争条件下的集团转移定价决策

    Firm transfer pricing decision under asymmetric competition

  27. 摘要定价决策在市场经济条件下,已成为企业普遍关注的热门课题。

    Pricing under the market economy has become a hot theme largely concerned by enterprises .

  28. 本文分析了存在产量和价格竞争中间产品外部市场的企业集团转移定价决策问题。

    This paper analyzes the transfer pricing strategies when final product market is quantity competition .

  29. 企业产品最优定价决策模型的研究

    Optimal Pricing Model of Enterprise Products

  30. 对此,本文研究基于数量差异的在线内容捆绑定价决策的优化问题。

    To this point , we study the optimum decision of bundle-size pricing for online content .