
  1. 浦江县公安局在其官博上说,男婴的母亲已经找到,目前正在调查过程中。但具体内容并未公布。

    The Pujiang county police bureau said on its official microblog account that the boy 's mother has been located and that an investigation was under way , but it gave no further details .

  2. 法国最大的工业煤气制造者之一&液化空气公司的首席执行官博天告诉金融时报法国公司大部分员工是从新兴市场上招聘的。

    Beno î t Potier , chief executive of Air Liquide , one of the largest makers of industrial gases , told the Financial Times that the French group was hiring most of its workers in emerging markets .

  3. 多伦多证券交易所(tsx)首席执行官利时博(richardnesbitt)表示,整合正受到技术的驱动,而技术和员工是所有证交所的两大成本。

    Richard Nesbitt , chief executive of the Toronto Stock Exchange ( TSX ) , says consolidation is being driven by technology which - with staff - is one of the two big costs facing any exchange .