
  • 网络Religious Places;heiau
  1. 只有信仰和宗教场所,没有经书,因此被学者称之为没有经卷的宗教。

    Shinto only has faith and religious places without scriptures .

  2. 记住,这里仍然是神圣的宗教场所。

    Remember , you 're still on holy ground .

  3. 其结构与宗教场所一一对应

    They conform to the structure of a religion .

  4. 一些著名宗教场所赋有特色。淮北市宗教的发展特点突出。

    Some famous religious places have their own particular characteristics , which are prominent .

  5. 被打乱的旅行,参观宗教场所,投机买卖的失败也有可能发生。

    Break journeys , visiting to holy places , loss through speculation may also happen .

  6. 在中国各地,许多古代宗教场所正在重建,变成道教或佛教胜地。

    Everywhere , ancient holy sites are being rebuilt as Taoist spas and Buddhist meditation resorts .

  7. 展览将提供他设计的六十四件作品,包括家居,公共建筑,宗教场所。

    The exhibition will show sixty-four projects that he designed , including homes , public buildings and religious spaces .

  8. 其它理论认为,巨石阵曾是个宗教场所或是一个日历等等。

    Other theories about Stonehenge are that it was a religious site or that it acted as a calendar .

  9. 高级警官安瓦尔说,这些激进嫌疑分子曾计划袭击外国目标和宗教场所。

    Senior police officer Usman Anwar says the suspected militants had planned to attack foreign targets and places of worship .

  10. 尽管如此大部分的宗教场所(括各种信仰的宗教)包含一种绝对神圣的领域的振动。

    Even now a majority of all religious places ( of all religions ) contain a field of positive holy vibrations .

  11. 他坚称,法律将被用来保护信仰自由,保护宗教场所不被攻击。

    He insisted the law will be used to protect freedom of worship and to protect houses of worship from attack .

  12. 但在中国,大多数前往宗教场所朝拜的香客都异常坦率地表示,他们崇拜的是钱,不是德。

    But most visitors to religious sites in China are refreshingly candid about the fact that they worship money , not virtue .

  13. 人类住所周围和内部区域对于蛹的繁殖较商业和公共场所(除了学校和宗教场所以外)要重要得多。

    Peridomestic and intradomestic areas were much more important for pupal production than commercial and public spaces other than schools and religious facilities .

  14. 她表示,要严格控制庙会等民俗活动,暂停宗教场所聚集性活动,减少人群聚集。

    She says strict controls at temple fairs and other folk activities are needed , as well as the suspension of gatherings at religious sites to reduce crowds .

  15. 该机构还将吸引有关方面对人口逾8万的中国人社区的基础设施的关注,这些设施包括中文学校、餐馆、书店、健康中心和宗教场所。

    It will also draw attention to the infrastructure of Chinese schools , restaurants , bookshops , health centres and places of worship created by the 80000-strong Chinese community .

  16. 您需要做礼拜,还会为您介绍北京的宗教场所,以便您选择合适的教堂或清真寺;

    If you need to practice religious services , we will provide information on the Religious Service Sites in Beijing for you to choose a suitable church or mosque .

  17. 我呼吁所有美国人,包括公民和兄弟组织、宗教场所、学校和社区,以各种纪念方式和活动度过这一天。

    I call on all Americans , including civic and fraternal organizations , places of worship , schools , and communities to support this day with commemorative expressions and programs .

  18. 其主要原理是,巨石阵的建造既不是用作天文研究也不是作为宗教场所,其中,有些人相信蓝石具有治愈功能。

    The major rivaling theories are that it was either built as an astronomical observatory or religious site while others believe that the bluestones were thought to have healing powers .

  19. 1999年米洛舍维奇从科索沃撤军以后,这个省的联合国和北约军事力量的主要角色是保护处于少数地位的塞族人和塞族宗教场所。

    After Milosevic 's withdrawal from Kosovo in1999 , the main role of the UN and NATO forces in the province was to protect the Serb minority and Serb religious sites .

  20. 清真寺为穆斯林宗教活动场所和文化中心。

    The mosque is a activity site and culture center of Muslim religion .

  21. 在特定地点建立宗教活动场所

    from building a house of worship in a particular area

  22. 试论哈尔滨市宗教活动场所的功能及其管理

    Discussion on the Function and Influence of the Religious Activity Places in Harbin

  23. 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗?

    Is there any religious places in Yichang ?

  24. 请问宜昌有宗教活动场所吗?这儿有天主堂和清真寺。

    Is there any religious please in yichang ? There are churches and mosques here .

  25. 在宗教活动场所进行宗教活动也必须遵守法律、法规。

    Religious activities conducted at the sites , however , must conform to laws and regulations .

  26. 合理安排宗教活动场所,满足信教群众需求。

    Arrange in the venue for religious activities rationally , satisfy the demands of religious believers .

  27. 宗教活动场所申请登记应具备基本的条件:有固定的处所和名称;

    Applications for such registration must meet the following basic requirements : a permanent site and name ; regular attendance ;

  28. 侵犯宗教活动场所的合法权益将承担法律责任。

    Anyone who encroaches on the lawful rights and interests of the sites for religious activities shall bear legal responsibilities .

  29. 他们没有固定的宗教活动场所,在成员的家中或私人场所聚会。

    They don 't have fixed venues for their religious activities , but instead gather in members'houses or other private locations .

  30. 青海省法律进宗教活动场所调查报告

    Investigation and Research on " Law Going into the Sites for Religious Activities " in the Maintenance of Social Stability of Qinghai Province