
cū guǎng
  • rough;rugged;boorish;rude;wild and woolly
粗犷 [cū guǎng]
  • (1) [wild and woolly]∶粗野

  • 美国由平原和台地组成的粗犷的西部地区

  • (2) [rugged;bold ancl unconstrained]∶豪放;豪壮

  • 粗犷的笔触

粗犷[cū guǎng]
  1. 特点是外观粗犷,具有浓郁的地方特色。

    Its outward appearance is rough and has strong local features .

  2. 剪纸粗犷,又不同江南的工巧、写实。

    Paper-cut rough , but also different Jiangnan Gongqiao , realism .

  3. 尚克利粗犷的脸上掠过一丝完全不信任的表情。

    A look of pure disbelief crossed Shankly 's rugged face .

  4. 他粗犷豪放,给人一种特殊的感觉。

    He possessed a raw energy allied to a feeling of something special .

  5. 他的画笔锋粗犷、凌厉。

    He paints with harsh , slashing brushstrokes .

  6. 她是个很粗犷的年轻女子,快人快语,非常热情。

    She is a very physical young woman , earthy , and very intense .

  7. 他以文风粗犷而著称。

    He is well-known for his bold and unconstrained style of writing .

  8. 菲利浦喜欢美国人装束的那种粗犷的美。

    Philip liked the daring picturesqueness of the americans'costume .

  9. 以其粗犷美而出名的男演员

    An actor famous for his rugged good looks

  10. 他是威尔士人,有着他祖先那种暗黑和粗犷健美的外貌。

    He was welsh , with the dark , stormy good looks of his ancestors .

  11. 他是个身材高大、体魄健壮、相貌粗犷英俊的男子。

    He is a tall , virile man with rugged good looks .

  12. 原语文本的解码是理解原语文本的前提,而一般意义上的理解(tounderstand)文本是一个粗犷的、抽象的、笼统的获得文本信息的方法。

    To decode the text . To decode the text is a premise for comprehension of the source language text , while to understand the text is a roughly generalized and abstract technique .

  13. 在近期结束的巴黎时装周上,茧型外套、赫本(Hepburn)风宽松裤和对粗犷服饰的华丽诠释成为本季时装系列的特色。

    Cocooning coats , Hepburn slacks and a deeply luxurious take on rugged clothing marked the fashion collections that ended here Wednesday .

  14. 《世界报》(DieWelt)政治编辑托马斯施密德(ThomasSchmid)表示,她在寻求一个“崭新、不同、更丰富多彩、越来越不同质化和相当粗犷的共和国。”

    Thomas Schmid , political editor of Die Welt , says she seeks a " new , different , more colourful , ever less homogenous and fairly rugged republic . "

  15. 而由于Jag粗犷的排气管声音,它又引起一阵骚动。这将使它因为违反噪音管制条例而一辈子声名狼藉。

    And raising a royal ruckus , thanks to the Jag 's woolly exhaust note , for which it will live in noise-ordinance infamy .

  16. 第二个新的角色是Cal,他的首次出现是在第3集。他是一个粗犷英俊,有很好适应性和人缘的樵夫,也是一个有情人。

    The second new character is Cal , first showing up in episode 3 , and he 's a ruggedly handsome , adaptive and extremely well connected woodsman who possesses the heart of a lover .

  17. 云集在列克星敦的人们来自四面八方,比如学术气息浓厚的剑桥、富人区后湾(BackBay)、林中小镇林肯(Lincoln)和韦尔斯利(Wellesley)、以及埃弗雷特(Everett)和梅德福(Medford)粗犷的“三层楼”(triple-decker)公寓街区。

    People thronged to Lexington from professorial Cambridge ; from patrician Back Bay ; from sylvan Lincoln and Wellesley , and from the gritty , " triple-decker " apartment blocks of Everett and Medford .

  18. 去年,那个形象粗犷、似乎代表了美国在伊拉克坚定决心的詹姆斯布雷克米勒(jamesblakemiller),被美国海军开除,并就其“创伤后压力心理障碍症”(post-traumaticstressdisorder)接受了报纸采访。

    By last year , James Blake Miller , the soldier whose rugged image seemed to signify the steely resolve of the US mission in Iraq , had been discharged from the Marines and was giving newspaper interviews about his post-traumatic stress disorder .

  19. 与此同时,组织此次活动的部分克莱斯勒人员已开始在准备下一款新车上市活动&这次将在遥远的俄勒冈边远林区,主角是粗犷版JeepWrangler。

    Meanwhile , some of the same Chrysler people who dodged the rain and traffic were preparing for their next new model launch & this one in remote backwoods Oregon for the rugged Jeep Wrangler .

  20. 整个建筑给人以一种粗犷的感觉。

    The whole building gives a person with a straightforward feeling .

  21. 粗犷的涂层表面,能创造出有如天然石材般的美感。

    Creating prominent texture that gives the beauty of natural granite .

  22. 坚韧的,粗犷的,能够控制他的周围环境。

    tough , rugged , in control of his own environment .

  23. 新款和经典的迷彩印花在都市街道上显得粗犷硬朗。

    New and classic camo prints look rugged on urban streets .

  24. 多次演出同类型粗犷强捍的英雄角色。

    As a snariing heavy and occasionai tough guy hero .

  25. 说什么粗犷的新色彩还有……

    You 're talking about bold new colors and a. ..

  26. 他早期绘画的特点是色彩鲜明,笔法粗犷。

    Bright colours and bold strokes characterize his early paintings .

  27. 整机外形设计粗犷简洁,充分体现其浑厚、大气、力量的底蕴。

    The compact profile of engine well deliver its vigorousness and power .

  28. 古罗马这些粗犷质朴的古迹散布在她的周围。

    The rugged relics of the Roman past lay scattered about her .

  29. 粗犷牛仔装,风靡世界。

    Rugged jeans are ( all ) the rage world-wide .

  30. 在“野蛮的西部”,生活是粗犷而艰苦的。

    Life was rough and hard in the wild west .