
  • 网络Downtime;Crash
  1. 生产环境中宕机的代价是难以承担的,因此Linux操作的可靠性在决策制定过程中扮演着重要角色。

    You cannot afford downtime in production environments , so Linux operating reliability plays a key role in the decision making .

  2. 如果你使用的是Mac或者是Windows,那么你一定对系统崩溃与宕机不陌生吧。

    If you 're using a Mac or Windows , it goes without saying that you are intimately familiar with crashes and downtime .

  3. 造成办公室易怒症的原因主要是:电脑宕机、打印机出毛病、讨厌且懒惰的同事、以及不顾别人感受的老板。女性在办公室比男性更加易怒。

    Among the worst office irritants : computer crashes , uncooperative printers , annoying , lazy colleagues and inconsiderate bosses . And women are more likely to snap than men .

  4. 大型的Systemp机器或SAN子系统宕机了?

    Or is the larger System p machine or SAN subsystem powered down ?

  5. 如果端点服务被标记为不可用,那么将创建一个HumanTask来提供服务宕机通知。

    If the endpoint service is flagged as being unavailable , a Human Task is created to serve as a service outage notification .

  6. 一个或多个RAM服务器宕机或者无响应。

    One or more RAM servers are down or not responding .

  7. NODEDOWN:当一个节点宕机时会触发(例如,关机、重启或崩溃)。

    NODE_DOWN : Triggered when a node goes down ( for example , on shutdown , reboot , or crash ) .

  8. 不当的配置可能导致IaaS宕机或受到攻击。

    Improper configuration can lead to IaaS outages or attacks .

  9. 第四,可以向客户通知SLA宕机事件,或在对网络接口作出修改之前通知。

    Fourth , he can notify the client of SLA downtime or before changes to network interfaces take place .

  10. 作为IBMWebSphereMQ的专业顾问,经常有人打电话叫我过去诊断和解决产品宕机问题,并且常常是紧急的问题。

    As a consultant who specializes in IBM WebSphere MQ , I 'm often called on to troubleshoot production outages on an emergency basis .

  11. 但是要知道,这并不意味着如果有人使用不带cookie的脚本访问网站的时候,它就该宕机啊!

    But that doesn 't mean the site should break if somebody points a non-cookie-using script at it .

  12. 应用修订包可以主动阻止潜在的问题,也有助于最小化与DB2相关的应用系统的宕机时间。

    Applying fix packs allows you to be proactive in preventing potential errors , and it also helps minimize the potential downtime of DB2 related application systems .

  13. IdleStandby配置支持从故障转移中恢复,以确保在计划或计划外的服务器宕机期间业务操作受到的影响很小。

    The Idle Standby configuration enables recovery from failover to help ensure minimal impact on business operations during planned or unplanned server outages .

  14. 控制器和防火墙的不当配置可能导致IaaS宕机和受到攻击。

    Improper configuration of the controller and firewalls could lead to IaaS outages and attacks .

  15. 在宕机期间,全球黑莓用户不能使用互联网和即时通讯服务达数天之久,期间,RIM公司努力尝试修复该问题,但未果。

    BlackBerry users all over the world were left without Internet and instant messaging capabilities for days as RIM struggled to fix the problem .

  16. 科技网站VentureBeat率先报道了Siri服务器宕机事件,并通过Twitter及时通报了Siri服务恢复的消息。

    Via VentureBeat , which first reported the outage and tweeted when it was over .

  17. 发送大量突然的请求将使你的服务器宕机(Crippleyourservers),尤其是每天有数百万访问量的页面。

    Cripple your servers by sending a large amount of unexpected traffic , especially for pages that get millions of page views per day .

  18. 所捕捉到的更改将通过WebSphereMQ试运行和交付,这允许迅速将数据移出DB2日志,即便在目标数据库宕机时也是如此。

    Captured changes are staged and delivered via WebSphere MQ , which allows for moving data off the DB2 log quickly , even if the target database is down .

  19. Flex还有自我修复的能力,这意味着,如果一个服务器宕机,则会有一个新的启动起来,来接替宕掉的服务器的职责。

    Flex also has self-healing capabilities meaning when a server goes down , a new one will boot to take over the old one 's role .

  20. 本周稍早时间,微软为IE中一个备受瞩目的安全缺陷提供了临时解决办法,那个漏洞为入侵者大开方便之门,受害人的IE会宕机并且任意代码得以在其电脑上运行。

    Microsoft earlier this week offered a workaround for a known flaw in the Web browser that opens the door for intruders to crash IE and to run arbitrary code .

  21. 宕机是由于他们的MongoDB出现了数据的不均衡增长,而这一点并没有被事先检测到。

    The outage was caused by unexpected uneven growth in their MongoDB database that their monitoring didn 't detect .

  22. 在一些云环境(比如Google或Azure)中,只要对部署进行了良好规划,就可以实现零宕机时间和无生产中断的部署。

    In some cloud environments ( like Google or Azure ), it is possible to support deployment with zero downtime and no production disruptions provided the deployments are well planned .

  23. 10月4日,由于快速增长的数据,Foursquare经历了11个小时的宕机。

    On October4th , Foursquare experienced an eleven hour outage , because of capacity problems due to that growth .

  24. 因此,SP需要面向服务的故障管理机制,在服务发生故障时能迅速定位故障并采取相应措施,以缩短服务宕机时间和性能降级时间。

    Therefore , in order to shorten the unavailable and performance degradation period when a service failure happens , SP needs service oriented fault management to localize the fault and take counter measures .

  25. NoSQL方法的支持者认为只要您不对宕机负有责任,那么ACID就会工作,一旦您开始努力在规模上引用多个节点,这就是不可避免的。

    Proponents of the NoSQL approach argue that ACID works only so long as you don 't account for downtime , which is inevitable once you start introducing multiple nodes in an effort to scale .

  26. 如果Ivy无法从第一个存储库下载比如此存储库宕机,或者文件未在指定位置它将尝试第二个位置。

    If Ivy is unable to download from the first repository if it 's down , for example , or if the file isn 't in the specified location it tries the next one .

  27. 因此,如果任何一台Domino服务器宕机,其他Domino集群服务器上的其他LEI服务器将接替非活动的服务器的工作(它们是在其本地副本中获得这一信息的)。

    So , if any one Domino server goes down , the other LEI servers on the other Domino cluster servers will pick up the work of the inactive server ( which they know about in their local replicas ) .

  28. 我们的反应时间已经很好了,但我们自己能亲身感受其痛苦,因此,Gmail宕机对我们就跟天塌了一样。

    Our response time has gotten much better . But we definitely feel the pain . When Gmail goes down , that 's one of the worst feelings in the world .

  29. 起初他们经常宕机,Huffman常常睡在笔记本电脑旁边,每隔几个小时就醒一下,看看网站是否仍在运行。

    They had lots of crashes in the beginning and Huffman used to sleep with his laptop next to him , waking every few hours to check on the website to see if it is up and running .

  30. 防止OOM问题出现的几种方法,可以在很大程度上减少程序宕机现象发生的几率,尤其是在系统部署后,大量用户使用的情况下,效果会更明显。

    Several methods which can avoid OOM problems can reduce the rate of procedure downtime . The effect will be more obvious when the system is deployed and lots of users operate it .