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  • delay
  • 拖延,搁置:~欠。~账(拖延不还的账)。延~。

  • 放荡,不受拘束:流~。~逸(飘逸,洒脱)。

  1. E组为小潮气量机械通气联合山莨宕碱。

    Combination of ventilation with small tidal volume and anisodamine ( group E ) .

  2. “fabric”保证了高可用性&如果某台服务器宕掉了,它会将请求从该服务器转到其它服务器上

    The " fabric " delivers the high availability-it would switch requests from one server to another one , should a server go down

  3. 结论保护性肺通气策略联合山莨宕碱对实验性ALI动物模型具有协同治疗效果。

    Conclusion combination of lung protective ventilation and anisodamine have cooperative effect on animal model of acute lung injury .

  4. 目的:研究肺保护性通气策略联合山莨宕碱在急性肺损伤(ALI)动物模型中的肺保护作用。

    Objective : To investigate the efficacy of lung protective ventilation strategies combined with anisodamine in animal model of acute lung injury .

  5. Flex还有自我修复的能力,这意味着,如果一个服务器宕机,则会有一个新的启动起来,来接替宕掉的服务器的职责。

    Flex also has self-healing capabilities meaning when a server goes down , a new one will boot to take over the old one 's role .

  6. 某高速公路路堤由抗变形能力极差的宕碴料填筑,填高大于6m;

    The embankment of an expressway is constructed by material whose anti deformation ability is very bad , and its fill height is larger than 6 m.

  7. 如果memcached服务宕掉,应用程序应该回退到从原始数据源加载信息并对信息进行显示所需的格式化。

    If the memcached service goes down , your application should fall back to loading the information from the original data source and formatting it as necessary for display .

  8. 因此,流纹宕的应力敏感性是不明显的。

    The stress sensitivity of rhyolite rock reservoir isn 't evident .

  9. 但是,最终它还是在首次启动后十五分钟就宕了机。

    We launched the site , and it crashed within fifteen minutes .

  10. 在这种情况下,你能使定约宕一。

    In this case , you can set the contract down one .

  11. 杭宁高速公路宕渣填筑路堤的试验研究

    Tests and Researches on Rock Waste-Filled Embankments in Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway

  12. 只有出色的防守才能打宕四黑桃的定约。

    Only perfect defense could set four spades .

  13. 你满脸激宕&当夜吻在你的肌肤上。

    Your look 's full of passion * as the night kisses your skin .

  14. 宕渣材料在南方路基填筑中的应用

    The application of slag in roadbed construction

  15. 丹阳嘉山风景区废弃宕口地质环境治理可行性研究

    Feasibility study on geological environment treatment in abandoned pit of Jiashan scenic spot , Danyang

  16. 为了解决高速公路主要的土工问题&路堤的稳定与沉降,工程采用了真空联合堆载预压法加固高填方宕碴路堤的超深软弱土地基。

    For the stability and settlement of embankment , combination method of vacuum and preloading is adaped to improve the foundation .

  17. 泽当蛇绿混杂宕是雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带重要组成部分,受控于板块结合带。

    The Zetang ophiolitic melange is an important component part of the Yarlung Zangboophiolite belt and controlled by the plate junction zone .

  18. 文县山谷迭宕、江河纵横、森林繁茂、物产丰饶,地上地下资源十分丰富。

    Valley County repeated , vertical and horizontal rivers , lush forests , rich products , the ground is rich in underground resources .

  19. 然而,当超过其假设范围时,编写得和我刚描述的相似的程序一会就会宕掉。

    However , a program written like the first effort I just described soon begins to break down when used outside of its assumed sphere .

  20. 事实上确实有发生过——一次整个网络完全宕掉了一段时间的情况,原因是某个单一信息处理器有问题。

    there were actually times -- there was a particular time it failed completely because one single message processor actually got a bug in it .

  21. 来自中古通摄、宕江摄的部分入声字在《中原音韵》中同时收在两个阴声韵里。

    Some ru-sheng characters of Tong Perturbation and Dang-Jiang Perturbation in 《 Central China Phonology 》 are received in two Yin-sheng rhymes at the same time .

  22. 浙江石材资源丰富,采石历史悠久,全省各地有大小数千传统采石场或废弃采石宕口。

    Zhejiang , with a rich resource of stone , has a long history of stone extraction , where scatter thousands of traditional quarries and deserted ones .

  23. 中国近20年来的金融创新就在这一背景下跌宕起伏地推进,总体规模不大,并带有明显的扭曲和投机色彩。

    The financial innovation of China has been carried out on this background in the past 20 years , undulant , small scale , twisty and speculative .

  24. 对宕石大桥施工过程中塔梁联结情况和边跨合龙方法进行了分析和探讨。

    In this paper , the closure method of side span and connection of tower and beam in the construction process of Jieshi Cable Stayed Bridge are analyzed .

  25. 在山东蒙阴金伯利宕的副矿物蒙山矿中,首次发现了成分为柱红石类的新矿物相。

    A new mineral facies has been found for the first time in mathiasite , a minor mineral in the Mengying kimberlite in Shandong Province , resembling priderite in composition .

  26. 有时候软件的安装要花上数月的时间,有时候维护成本甚至超过了原始产品的价格。有时意想不到的延误和宕机会导致生产率出现明显下降。

    Installations of software tend to take months , maintenance costs more than the original product price , and unexpected delays and down time result in a massive drop in productivity .

  27. 通过调查分析宕渣路堤的沉降原因,结合具体施工过程,提高路基的密实度,对确保公路工程质量有重要意义。

    Through investigation and analysing the cause of slag embankment displacement , combined with specific construction procedure , improving the density of subgrade , it has the importance of assuring highway engineering quality .

  28. 该工程是苏州大市范围内的第一个涉及宕口整治、高边坡支护、复绿的建设项目,对于同类工程具有很好的借鉴意义。

    This program is the first construction project with high slope treatment and green the ground in the Suzhou city , so it has the influential significance for other constructions in this field .

  29. 在废弃宕口调查到植物共有39科77种,分别约占江苏植物区系中科、种总数的23.6%和10%。

    There were 77 species belonged to 39 families in this investigated , which separately accounted 23.6 % and 10 % for the amount of families and species of the Floristic composition in Selected quarries .

  30. 会谈过程中可解决所有的悬宕问题,务求在当天完成检查点的要求(以及简报里的摘要部分),并在小组网站上发表。

    We will resolve any open issues at the meeting so that by the end of the day the milestone ( and its summary slide which is also part of your presentation ) is DONE and posted on the team website .