
  • 网络economic indicator
  1. 目前的宏观经济指标是按照联合国制定的SNA体系核算得到的。

    The present macroscopic economic indicator is calculated according to the SNA system of United Nations .

  2. 由于物价作为一个重要的宏观经济指标,也是国民经济发展的晴雨表。

    As an important macroscopic economic indicator , the price is also " the barometer " of economic development .

  3. GDP是最重要的宏观经济指标;

    GDP is the most important index in macroeconomics .

  4. 和道琼斯一样,宏观经济指标也连续第三个季度(session)上涨。

    Like the Dow , broader stock indicators also advanced for the third straight session .

  5. GDP是反映经济发展的重要宏观经济指标,而绿色GDP就是在GDP的基础上所引申出来的一个新概念。

    GDP is an important macro-economic index of economic development . ″ Green ″ GDP is a new conception based on GDP .

  6. 通过相关分析发现,上证综合指数SHA与宏观经济指标有较高的相关性。

    According to the correlation analysis , SHA has a close relationship with the macroeconomic index .

  7. 巨灾对受灾国家的就业、债务、国际收支平衡、汇率等宏观经济指标造成巨大的负面影响,这种负面影响集中体现在受灾国家的GDP下降。

    Catastrophes have huge negative impacts on a country 's employment , debts , balance-of payments and exchange rate , etc , and the negative impacts can be seen as loss in terms of GDP change .

  8. 对于我国银行稳定性影响因素,本文选取了宏观经济指标、金融指标、国际资本流动指标通过Granger因果检验、协整检验进行实证分析,得出国际资本流动对我国银行体系稳定性产生了影响。

    This part has been selected macroeconomic indicators , financial indicators , international capital flows indicators through empirical analysis on the Granger causality test , cointegration test , we found international capital flows on the stability of banking system had a negative affected .

  9. 本文选取工业增加值、广义货币供应量(M2)、消费者景气指数和国房景气指数等宏观经济指标,深入考察了宏观经济与沪深两市股价走势之间的关系。

    The author chose the industrial added value , money supply ( M2 ), Consumer Sensitive Index and National Housing Sensitive index as the representative indicators of the macro-economy . And he studied the relationship between these indicators and the stock price indexes of Shanghai and Shenzhen .

  10. 但光拿宏观经济指标说事儿就靠谱吗?

    But is it right to focus exclusively on macroeconomic indicators ?

  11. 让我们从一些宏观经济指标的参考。

    Let us begin with some macroeconomic indicators of reference .

  12. 宏观经济指标的综合性灰色预测方法

    A new and synthesis gery forecast method of the macroscopic economic index

  13. 铁路宏观经济指标体系的总体设想

    Overall Plan on the Index System of Railway Economic Accounting

  14. 汇率对我国主要宏观经济指标的影响分析

    Study of the Effects of RMB Exchange Rate on Our National Macro-economy

  15. 第三部分分析了股票市场与我国宏观经济指标的关系。

    The third part analyzes the relationship between the stock market and the macroeconomic index .

  16. 对土地供应与宏观经济指标关系进行了量化研究和多因素因果分析校验。

    Research quantitatively the indicator relation between land supply and macroeconomic and verify the multifactor causality .

  17. 通过宏观经济指标、农户财务指标等内容构建农户融资风险预警系统。

    Farmers ' financing risk warning system is built by macroeconomic indicators and farmers ' financial indicators .

  18. 而对于房地产业产出价格下跌的冲击,各个宏观经济指标都将受到负面的影响。

    As for the impact of real estate prices falling , all macroeconomic indicators will be adversely affected .

  19. 本文研究了上证指数与宏观经济指标变化之间的协整关系,并在多因素协整分析的基础,利用误差修正模型建立了二者之间的预测模型。

    In this paper , we study the cointegration between macroeconomic variables and the index of Shanghai stock market .

  20. 消费率及其变动是反映国民经济运行状况的重要宏观经济指标。

    Consumption ratio and its change is a key aggregate index , which reflex the state of national economy .

  21. 物价作为一个重要的宏观经济指标,与宏观经济运行有着密不可分的联系。

    As an important macroscopic economic indicator , the price has the inseparable relation with the macroscopic economic movement .

  22. 第二章是显著影响股票价格指数的宏观经济指标的筛选原理及步骤,包括多重共线性检验及向前选择变量法。

    Chapter 2 illustrates the principle and stages of screening macro-economical indicators , includes multiple collinear tests and forward selecting variables method .

  23. 改变现有研究单独研究宏观经济指标对股票价格指数的短期或长期影响的现状。

    It changes the current researches ' problem of just researching the short-term or long-term impact of macro-economical indicators on stock price index .

  24. 烤烟农艺性状与经济指标间的灰色关联度分析个贷违约率与宏观经济指标相关性研究

    Gray correlation analysis on the main agronomic characters and economic indexes of the flue-cured tobacco Studies on the Correlation between Residential Mortgage Delinquency and Macroeconomic Factors

  25. 居民消费价格指数不仅是一个重要的衡量物价波动的宏观经济指标,而且是衡量通货膨胀程度的重要指标。

    The consumer price index is not only an important measure of price fluctuation macroeconomic indicators , but also a measure of inflation degree of important indexes .

  26. 目前国内证券市场的研究主要集中在综合指数与宏观经济指标的关系,上市公司财务分析等方面。

    At present , research focus on the relationship between macroeconomic variables and the composite stock price index , or the financial analysis of the listed companies .

  27. 宏观经济指标,包括贸易额,企业利润和居民可支配收入与税收有直接关系。

    Marco economic indicators directly related to tax intake , such as trade volumes , corporate profits and residents'disposable income , have all shown signs of slowdown .

  28. 因此在此背景下对宏观经济指标进行合理预测,对正确判断经济形势,制定相应的对策具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , a reasonable forecast of macroeconomic indicators on the right to judge the economic situation , the development of appropriate countermeasures is of great significance .

  29. 从危机强度和主要宏观经济指标近期的走势来看,韩国的危机对策效果比较理想。

    In light of the recent tendency of the " crisis severity " and the main macroeconomic indicators , the effect of crisis countermeasures of Korea is ideal .

  30. 用户满意指数是一种全新的宏观经济指标和产品质量评价指标,是企业经营业绩的主要评定内容。

    As a brand-new macroeconomic indicator and an index for product quality evaluation , customer satisfaction index ( CSI ) is essential for the evaluation of business performance .