- complete protein

Chickpea protein is considered as a complete protein .
Cheese bread has a lovely rich taste that is delicious for breakfast and is a complete protein by itself .
It is nutritionally an incomplete protein . It is also used in various pharmaceutical products .
There is presently no complete proteome map of T. gondii , although a number of large-scale whole proteomic analyses of tachyzoites are currently underway .
Proteins from 28 varieties belonged to complete protein , which contains 18 kinds of amino acid ( AA ), including 8 essential AA ( EAA ) .
Glutelin and Gliadin is the least . Almond contains protein averaging 22.55 % . Proteins from 28 varieties belong complete protein , which contains 18 kinds of amino acid ( AA ) .
Soya protein amino acid composition and milk protein close , besides methionine slightly low , other essential amino acids content are richer , is the vegetative complete protein , in the nutritional value , may equate with the animal protein .
Because they 're all protein and fat and no carbohydrate , eggs have no impact on your blood sugar .
The mechanical strength of protein has been elucidated on basis of the fact that the extremely high force ranging from 60 to 100 nN leads to collapse of the protein molecular structure .
The IFS model and recurrent IFS ( RIFS ) model are proposed to simulate the measure representation of complete genomes and protein sequences .
The notion of measure representation of complete genomes and protein sequences is introduced .
Establishing protein interaction networks , namely ,″ interactome ″, will deepen the understanding of cellular structure and function , and provide theoretic foundation for the drug target discovery and novel drug design .
The scientists then created genetically modified mice which were completely unable to produce that protein .