
  1. 给定名称片段或名称模板后,AdminControl可以从WebSphereApplicationServer中查询并列出符合查询条件的所有完整名称。

    Given a name fragment or name template , AdminControl can query from the WebSphere Application Server and list all complete names that satisfy the query conditions .

  2. 在这里可以指定是否创建相应的ActiveDirectory用户、使用哪一个ActiveDirectory以及下面的ActiveDirectory选项:完整名称、登录名称和组。

    Here you can specify whether or not a corresponding Active Directory user is created , which Active Directory to use , and the following Active Directory options : full name , logon name , and groups .

  3. 最后,如果事件是Select,它会打开一个弹出窗口以显示详细的组织信息,比如完整名称、负责人姓名和头衔以及职员总数(包括在所有子组织中工作的职员)。

    At the end , if the event is Select , it opens a pop-up window to display the detailed organizational information such as full name , leader name and title , and total number of employees , including those working in all its sub-organizations .

  4. 查询的第一行只是为FOAF定义PREFIX,这样就不必每次都用完整名称引用它。

    The first line of the query simply defines a PREFIX for the FOAF namespace , so that you don 't have to type it in full each time it is referenced .

  5. 内部错误:无法用您的邮件地址和完整名称更新userinfo表。

    Internal error : unable to update the userinfo table with your email address and full name .

  6. 输出文件的完整名称和路径。

    Is the full name and path of the output file .

  7. 这个引用是采用完整名称空间的,所以它通常需要包含一个前缀。

    This reference is namespace-qualified , so it generally needs to include a prefix .

  8. 当前日志文件的完整名称。

    Which is the current full log-file name .

  9. 按完整名称或部分名称、架构或日期进行筛选。

    Filtering by all or part of a name , schema , or date .

  10. 输入要添加的程序的完整名称,包括文件扩展名

    Enter the complete name of the program you want to add , including the file extension

  11. 指定为主题使用的消息传递总线的完整名称。

    Specify the complete name of the messaging bus that you 're using for the topic .

  12. 我们让每个工具使用Random页面搜索完整的名称列表,然后选择任意一本书。

    We had each tool use the Random page to search through the complete title list , and then select one random book .

  13. 为告知Python您要调用的是哪个stats方法,就必须提供完整的名称。

    To tell Python which stats method you want to call , you must provide the full name .

  14. Axis不提供从一个完整的名称空间创建QName的构造程序,所以我不得不把端口名称分割成名称空间和本地部件。

    Axis doesn 't provide a constructor that creates a QName from a complete namespace so I have to split the port name into the namespace and local part .

  15. 数据源是包含文本文件的目录的完整路径名称。

    The data source is the full path name of the directory that contains the text files .

  16. 使用@packages选项将包的完整类型名称放置到一个单独的文件之中。

    Use the @ packages option to place the packages fully qualified type name in a separate file .

  17. 通过展开给定的条目名称并获取完整的名称和长度,获得引用。

    The reference is obtained by expanding the given entry name and retrieving the complete name and length .

  18. 付款人的详细资料,包括完整的名称、邮政地址、或者提示的地点,以及,如有的话,电传、电话和传真号码。

    Details of the drawee including full name , postal address , or the domicile at which presentation is to be made and if applicable telex , telephone and facsimile numbers .

  19. 如果细分视图中的某栏太短而无法看到完整的名称,只需选择该栏并在提示消息框中或左侧高亮显示的表中查阅该名称。

    If a bar in the breakdown view is too short to see its full name , just select it and refer to the name in the prompt message box or the left-side table that 's highlighted .

  20. 为新域指定完整的dns名称。

    Specify the full DNS name for the new domain .

  21. 然后,把条目名称展开成完整的DNS名称并返回。

    The entry name is then expanded into a complete DNS name and returned .

  22. 符合W3C名称空间推荐标准的XML文档可以提供缩写的前缀来表示完整的URI名称空间。

    XML documents that conform to the W3C namespaces recommendation can provide abbreviated prefixes to indicate full URI namespaces .

  23. (为了保持简洁,这个系列文章将使用“pureXML”和“DataStage”代替完整的产品名称)。

    To keep things simple , subsequent sections of this article series will refer to " pureXML " and " DataStage " instead of the full product names .

  24. 请写完整的公司名称时支付IRGANOXL67支付,否则我们不能收到这笔钱和返回到您的帐户将招致开支,你。

    Please write our company complete name when pay the payment of IRGANOX L67 , otherwise we can 't receive the money and return to your account would incur expenses to your .

  25. 解决方案文件的完整路径和名称。

    The full path and name of the solution file .

  26. 此参数指定源文件的完整路径和名称。

    This parameter specifies the full path and name of the source file .

  27. 包含待检索对象的文件的完整路径和名称。

    The full path and name of the file containing the object to retrieve .

  28. 除此之外(或许还有少数一些例外),您应完整拼写出名称中使用的所有词。

    Other than these , and perhaps a few others , you should fully spell out all words used in names .

  29. 对可以粘贴到设计器中的符号引用进行复制;也可以将选定项的完整路径和名称复制到剪贴板中。

    Copies a symbol reference that can be pasted into a designer ; also copies the full path and name of the selected item to the clipboard .

  30. 我没有完全放弃简写名称;但是,当我用简写形式的名称时,我得设法提供注释以完整阐述该名称的含义。

    I did not totally give up on abbreviating the names ; however , when I did abbreviate , I tried to provide comments to fully elaborate the meaning of the name .