
  • 网络Completely unknown;Total Unknown
  1. 在经历了艺术、攀岩、阅读和写作的漫长过程之后,现在我已经到了一个自己足够聪明的水平,可以潜入一个完全未知、艰难但有趣的领域。

    Having gone through the long process with art , rock climbing , and reading and writing , now I 've got to a point in my life where I know I am smart enough to dive into an area that is totally unknown , hard , but interesting .

  2. 在参数部分未知或完全未知的情况下,利用Lyapunov稳定性定理和自适应控制方法分别实现了一对异维的派生混沌系统之间的同步以及另一对异维的非派生混沌系统之间的同步。

    In the case of unknown parameters and both derived systems , according to Lyapunov Stability Theory , and Adaptive controlling Theory , to realize chaos synchronization between chaotic systems with different dimensions .

  3. 在文章的最后,对于Vague集在方案的准则权重是完全未知的情况下,提出一个新的基于熵权重的权重相关系数的多准则模糊决策方法。

    At last in this paper , a new multicriteria fuzzy decision-making method based on the weighted correlation coefficient using entropy weights is proposed under vague sets for some situations where the information about criteria weights for alternatives is completely unknown .

  4. 之后针对自主式水下机器人(AUV)在大范围静态环境完全未知或部分未知的情况,本文提出一种应用动态划分全局工作环境、以多次局部优化代替一次性全局优化的路径规划方法。

    Then according to a large scale static unknown or partially unknown environment , this paper proposes a new path planning method which dynamically divides the global environment and uses multiple local optimizations instead of one-time global optimization .

  5. 对相联存储自学习控制系统(AMLCS)提出了一种改进方案,可用于动态特性几乎完全未知且慢时变的工业过程。

    This paper proposes an improved version of the associative memory learning control system ( AMLCS ) for industrial processes with almost completely unknown but slowly time-varying dynamics .

  6. 绩效指标隶属度完全未知的模糊评价方法

    Fuzzy Evaluation Method Membership Degree of Performance Index is Completely Unknown

  7. 处在恐惧的边缘,进入了完全未知的领域。

    and on terror 's edge , leading into unchartered territories .

  8. 提出了一种非线性系统的局部线性辨识方法并应用于模型完全未知的非线性系统。

    A subspace state space identification approach is applied in unknown nonlinear system .

  9. 但它们的功能完全未知。

    But their functions are completely unknown .

  10. 5个功能完全未知的基因Mm。

    Five functionally unknown genes Mm .

  11. 权重信息完全未知且对方案有偏好的多属性决策法

    A Method for Multiple Attribute Decision Making without Weight Information but with Preference Information on Alternatives

  12. 将近3/4的宇宙是完全未知的物质,人们称之为“暗能量”。

    Almost three-quarters of the universe is something completely obscure , dubbed " dark energy " .

  13. 不过当我展望未来时,我的下一个作品又是完全未知而开放的。

    But when I look towards the future , the next project is completely unknown and wide open .

  14. 我对自己当前的位置几乎一无所知,而那两个人承诺要带我去一个完全未知的地方。

    I knew little about my current location and two men had promised to drive me somewhere completely unknown .

  15. 最后对判断信息完全未知的情形进行了分析。

    Finally , an analysis is given to the situation where the judgement information about the alternatives is completely unknown .

  16. 其他基因的功能目前完全未知,人们正在努力研究。

    There are others whose function is completely unknown at this stage and obviously people are trying to figure those out .

  17. 当分析一个较大的、复杂的、连续的、有许多变量的数据库和完全未知的结构时,聚类是一个非常有用的工具。

    When analyzing a big , complicated , continuous data base or totally unknown structures , clustering is a very useful tool .

  18. 给出了在滤波生成器的非线性部分部分未知和完全未知两种情况下的代数攻击方法及相应的计算复杂度。

    We present the methods of algebraic attacks and computational complexities in which the nonlinear filter generators are only partially known or totally unknown .

  19. 本文针对属性权重完全未知或权重信息部分确定的多属性决策问题,提出了两种方差最大化方法。

    This paper investigates multi-attribute decision making with attribute wieght information partially known or completely unknown , and presents two methods of maximizing deviations .

  20. 在有限模糊多目标决策算法当中,为了能适应当权重信息完全未知或部分未知时,仍然能做出正确的决策,本文也给出了权重的求解算法。

    In order to make correct decision in the case the weights are unknown or partly known , a derivation algorithm of the weight is proposed .

  21. 该系统可以在完全未知信号参数的情况下,应用各种盲估计算法进行信号参数估计,以及进行调制方式识别。

    The receiver can estimate all the parameters needed for demodulation using blind estimation algorithms and recognize the modulation type using the MC algorithm proposed above .

  22. 基于因子分析的迭代目标转换算法,本文提出一种从完全未知混合物体系中获取纯物种光谱的解析方法。

    Based on the iterative target transformation of factor analysis a new algorithm for estimating the component spectra from multicomponent mixture system is developed in this paper .

  23. 针对系统不确定界完全未知的情形,首先从理论上证明了可设计自适应鲁棒分散控制器确保受控系统渐近稳定;

    Under the condition of unknown bounds of uncertainties , the adaptive decentralized controllers is obtained and it is proved in theory that the closed-loop system is asymptotically stable .

  24. 通过求解该模型即可获得属性权重信息完全未知或只有部分权重信息的不确定多属性决策问题的方案排序;

    By solving this model , we can get the priorities in uncertain multi attribute decision making problem in which the weights of attributes are unknown completely or unknown partly .

  25. 其次,分别讨论了当属性权重已知且为实数和属性权重完全未知等两种情况下的基于可能度的直觉多属性模糊决策方法。

    Secondly , the intuitionistic multiattribute fuzzy decision-making methods based on possible degree under two conditions : attribute weighting is known and attribute weighting is absolutely unknown , are discussed .

  26. 虽然目前对暗能量的形态和起源几乎完全未知,不过科学家认为它可能和空间本身所产生的真空起伏有关,或者说与卡西米尔效应有关联。

    The form and genesis of dark energy is almost completely unknown , but postulated as related to vacuum fluctuations similar to the Casimir Effect but generated somehow by space itself .

  27. 由于关于混合信号的信息完全未知,因此将该过程称为盲源信号分离。

    Except that the source signals are assumed to be independent , no apriori information is known about the mixture signals . That is why the problem is known as Blind Source Separation .

  28. 同时,还讨论了将属性权重完全未知转化为部分已知的方法并给出相应算法,提高了多属性决策的科学性。

    At the same time , the article discuss the method which convert the situation of attribute weight is unknown completely into partly known , and give corresponding decision-making algorithm to improve scientificity of decision-making .

  29. 针对属性权重完全未知而属性值为区间数的多属性决策问题,本文中提出了一种确定区间数决策矩阵权重的方法&熵值法。

    This paper presents a method of entropy for obtaining the attribute weights of decision-making matrix in multi-attribute decision-making problem , in which attribute weights are unknown completely and the attribute values are in the forms of interval numbers .

  30. 给出属性值为区间数、属性权重完全未知但已知方案偏好关系的多属性决策问题的决策方法。

    A method was presented to deal with the interval multiple attribute decision making problem with preference values on alternatives , in which the attribute weights were completely unknown and the attribute values were given in the forms of interval numbers .