
Directed and co-written by Maria Schrader , this sci-fi romance features Maren Eggert as a divorced anthropologist14 who agrees to test-drive an android that is programmed to be her perfect partner .
In Blade Runner 2049 , Officer K ( Ryan Gosling ) lives with his AI hologram companion Joi , who was manufactured by Wallace Corp and tailored as the perfect companion .
And tens of thousands descend on matchmaking events in cities like Shanghai looking for the perfect mate .
A lot has changed since Jane Austen wrote about women 's quest to find a perfect match in 19th century Britain .
A leading love expert has suggested there are parallels between picking the perfect partner and the way you choose your dog .
I want to make her look , feel and act as human as possible so she can be the perfect companion .
And the reason they can 't find the perfect partner is because they just cannot get over the big love of their lives .
If you 've been looking for the perfect partner without success , the answer could be deeper than you realised . Deeper underground that is .
Suitors settle for what is on offer now , even if plumper or shorter than the ideal , rather than hold out for the perfect partner .
He added : ' For me , she is more than a doll . Not just a silicon rubber . She needs much help , but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life . '
So that 's time capsule , a perfect companion to Leopard .
File Lock PRO is the perfect companion to any PC.
You 're the girl of my dreams and apparently I ' m the man of yours .
because you 're just both of you individually great people and together you seem like the perfect couple , seem to be so close
The bad thing about the one perfect soul mate ... is that it 's sounattainable . You 're being set up to fail .
' When you get older , you look at things more maturely , and you want a more well-rounded person , ' he says .
A bachelor asked the computer to find him the perfect mate : " I want a companion who is small and cute , loves water sports and enjoys group activities . "
Rather than seeking the perfect partner , a growing number of women are said to be ' swiping right " to find a man to do their household chores and DIY .
The voice organizes his files , gets him out of the house and doesn 't complain about juggling her many roles as his assistant , comfort , helpmate and savior - which makes her an ideal companion even if she 's also just software .
Its practical interior design makes it the perfect travel companion .
And I couldn 't ask for a better partner in life .
Pisces This animus is a poet , savior and consummate soul mate .
Romantic types might say they seek the perfect soul mate but the revealed truth is more prosaic .
He enjoys a string of affairs as a young man , even abducting a ten-year-old girl so he can mould her into the perfect life-companion .
She is the best companion in your way to health of life and the most loyal guard to ensure your health in life , work and study .
But when push comes to shove7 , they are never sure that what is being offered matches up to their " perfect " inner vision .
Well they adore the thought of a soul mate , the search , the seduction , the whole dream factory But when push comes to shove7 , they are never sure that what is being offered matches up to their " perfect " inner vision .