
yǔ zhòu chén
  • cosmic dust
  1. 同时,不仅对fbEs异常峰的丢失作了进一步的确认,并且还对人们关心的宇宙尘演化过程作了粗浅的讨论。

    Not only the forfeiture of the f_bE_s anomaly peak has been confirmed once more , but the evolution process of the cosmic dust was also discussed briefly in the paper .

  2. 宇宙尘中金的丰度及其与铱的相关性

    Gold abundance and its correlation with iridium in cosmic dust

  3. 花岗岩中宇宙尘的发现及其地质意义

    Discovery of cosmic dust in granite and its geological significance

  4. 利用高空科学气球收集宇宙尘粒

    Collection of cosmic dust with high altitude - balloon in the stratosphere

  5. 吉林省南部宇宙尘的化学组成特征

    Chemical composition of Proterozoic cosmic dusts in Southern Jilin province , China

  6. 川西北地区金矿床中宇宙尘的发现及其意义

    Discovery and significance of cosmic dust in gold deposits in northwestern Sichuan

  7. 通过高倍太空望远镜可以清楚地看到宇宙尘。

    Through high-power space telescopes , people can see cosmic dust clearly .

  8. 宇宙尘似文象结构的图像分析和成因探讨

    Image analysis of graphic texture & a study on the origin of cosmic dusts

  9. 铁质宇宙尘中的有机分子的发现

    Discovery of organic molecule in iron cosmic dust

  10. 南海中部深海沉积物中的宇宙尘

    The cosmic dust in the sediments on the middle region of South China Sea

  11. 武夷山脉中段晚太古代宇宙尘特征

    Characteristics of Cosmic Dusts from the Late Archean Strata in the Middle Segment of Wuyi Mountains

  12. 通过陨石推断并经计算机模拟认为可信的行星形成过程如下:首先,尘埃颗粒凝结成块形成宇宙尘球。

    The process of planetary formation , as deduced from meteorites and confirmed as plausible by computer models , went like this . First , dust particles clumped together to form cosmic dustballs .

  13. 由于应用现代空间探测和实验技术及理论,宇宙尘研究进展迅速,本文评述行星际宇宙尘研究的一些进展情况和主要结果。

    Due to the application of modern space probe and experimental techniques and their theories , great progress has been made on investigation of cosmic dust . In this paper , some of the progress and major results in researching interplanetary dust are briefly reviewed . Laboratory ;