
  • 网络the center of the universe
  1. 他反驳地球是宇宙中心的说法。

    He refuted the idea that the earth was the center of the universe .

  2. “让我们把人类置于宇宙中心,超越众神和神秘未知”,

    let 's put the individual human being at the center of the universe above all gods and mysteries ,

  3. 爱是宇宙中心意识的能量。

    Love is the energy of the cosmic central consciousness .

  4. 你是我的宇宙中心和彩虹我的心。

    You are the center of my universe and the rainbow of my heart .

  5. 硅谷又一次呈现出把自己当作宇宙中心的各种迹象。

    Once more , Silicon Valley shows every sign of considering itself to be the centre of the universe .

  6. 天气可能会对降落在佛罗里达的肯尼迪宇宙中心或加利福尼亚的爱德华兹空军基地造成威胁。

    Weather could threaten the landing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida or Edwards Air force Base in California .

  7. 这种宇宙中心的奇特的科学现象,促成了各种新技术和新发明的诞生。

    The strange scientific phenomena in this unique corner-pin of the Universe result in many new technologies and discoveries .

  8. 另一个错误是行星在围绕宇宙中心进行较大的圆周运动时还进行小的圆周运动。

    Another was that planets move in small circles while completing a much larger circle around the center of the universe .

  9. 地球中心是不是宇宙中心的,但只有重力和月球领域。

    All the spheres revolve about the sun as their mid-point , and therefore the sun is the center of the universe .

  10. 在当时不再以地球为宇宙中心的观念下,个人主义的成长为其发展的要素。

    Intrinsic to this development is the growth of individualism in a world no longer understood to be at the center of the universe .

  11. 我的朋友的故事提醒了我一条重要的快乐经验:虽然,我感觉自己是宇宙中心,可是我不是。

    My friend 's story reminded me of an important happiness lesson : although I feel like the center of the universe , I 'm not .

  12. 内陆型神话对理想国的描述,同时意味着对宇宙中心的确定与想象,这个中心可以是地理中心,也可以是宗教与政治中心;

    At the same time , the utopia in inland myths means defining the center of the universe not only geographically but also religiously and politically .

  13. 之前,科学家观察超新星或恒星的爆炸之后,发现光的运动频率暗示着它们比那些靠近宇宙中心的恒星运行得更快。

    Observations of supernovae , or exploding stars , found the movement of light indicated they were moving faster than those nearer to the centre of the universe .

  14. 如果太阳是宇宙中心的话,那么一切物体都会朝着太阳方向的去,而事实并非如此,

    If the Sun was at the center of the universe , things would fall toward the Sun and away from the Earth , which of course they didn 't.

  15. 当尼古拉斯·哥白尼不再把地球看作是宇宙中心一个静止不动的点,而是围绕太阳作旋转运动,或者可以说是绕着太阳转圈时,第一场革命爆发了。

    The first revolution happened when Nicolaus Copernicus no longer saw the Earth as a motionless point at the centre of the universe but as moving in " revolutions ", or circles , around the sun .

  16. 甚至一直认为地球是宇宙中心,你们就如坐井观天的井底之蛙,而我又将此提高了一个境界&中央旋转黑洞。

    Or even that the earth is the center of the universe has always been , you sit idle as the frog in a well , and I was raised a realm of & this central rotating black hole .

  17. 不过,第一个《星球大战》三部曲也被誉为开辟了一个令人目眩的粉丝文化世界,让那些怪胎和书呆们得以摆脱长辈的居高临下与同学们的嘲笑,在宇宙中心释放自己的激情。

    But the first " Star Wars " trilogy is also credited with opening up a dazzling world of fan culture , liberating nerds and geeks from the condescension of their elders and the mockery of their classmates and placing their passions at the center of the universe .

  18. 早期的天文学家认为我们的星球是宇宙的中心。

    Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe .

  19. 在中世纪,人们普遍地认为地球是宇宙的中心。

    In the Middle Ages it was generally believed that the earth was the centre of the universe .

  20. 爱一个人,并不意味着Ta就是你宇宙的中心。

    Loving someone does not mean you make them the center of your universe .

  21. 他们认为地球是宇宙的中心。

    They thought the earth was the center of the universe .

  22. 看,我在宇宙的中心。

    Look at that , I 'm the center of the universe .

  23. 西哥特人将他们自己视作宇宙的中心。

    The Visigoths think of themselves as the center of the universe .

  24. 这会提醒你,你不是宇宙的中心。

    reminds you that you are not the center of the universe .

  25. 宇宙太极中心结构模式

    The Central Structure Pattern of Taiji in the Universe

  26. 地球曾一度被认为是宇宙的中心。

    The earth used to be considered as the center of the cosmos .

  27. 地球是宇宙的中心。

    The earth is the centre of the universe .

  28. 那时候,人们相信地球是宇宙的中心。

    At that time people believed the earth was the center of the universe .

  29. 当我们在打排球时,她觉得自己是宇宙的中心。

    She thought she was the center of the universe when we played volleyball .

  30. 以前人们以为地球是位于宇宙的中心。

    People used to think that the earth was at the centre of the universe .