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  • 网络Ningxian County;Ning County;Ning Condado;Union County;Xian de Ning
  1. 这篇论文以甘肃宁县农村卫生医疗状况调查为依据,围绕西部农村卫生医疗问题展开。

    This thesis deploys the problems of health care in the rural regions of the West China , based on a survey research of sanitation states in Ning county of GanSu Province .

  2. 最后,在第五部分,笔者从宏观到微观方面,提出在甘肃宁县建立新型合作医疗的思考和建议。

    Accordingly , in the section 5 , the author puts forward to the reflect and advice of establishing the New Model Co-operated Medicine System in Ning County , GanSu province . It includes two aspects .

  3. 中宁县部分农村居民脂联素水平的现况调查

    Investigation of adiponectin level in some rural residents in Zhongning County

  4. 至此,滦宁县自然消亡。

    At this point , the natural demise of Luanping County .

  5. 湖南省新宁县地质灾害经济损失评估

    Assessment of economic loss resulted from geological disasters in Xinning County , Hunan Province

  6. 鄂尔多斯盆地西南部宁县&庆阳地区长6期物源状况分析

    Provenance Analysis of the Chang 6 Formation in the Ningxian-Qingyang Region , Southwestern Ordos Basin

  7. 宁夏中宁县枸杞蚜虫对三种菊酯类农药的抗性研究

    Study on drug fast of wolfberry aphid to three kinds of pyrethrins in Zhongning county , ningxia

  8. 宁县是汉民族聚居的地区,兄弟民族及其人口均很少。全县有汉族、回族、满族等。

    County is a region inhabited by the Han people , brothers , are very small nation and its population .

  9. 结果1999&2005年中宁县共有肺结核病人1130例,老年肺结核病人633例,占56.02%;

    [ Results ] 1 130 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were found in Zhongning County during 1999 ~ 2005,633 of which ( 56.02 % ) were senile tuberculosis ;

  10. 救援人员清理了现场,结束了失踪人员的搜救工作。周五晚上在庆阳市宁县附近,一辆超载的客车翻入山沟起火。

    Rescuers have lifted away the wreckage and are finishing up their search for the missing.An overloaded bus caught fire after falling into a ravine Friday night near the county seat of Ningxian , Qingyang City .

  11. 种植面积最大的是镇原、宁县、西峰、崆峒、灵台、泾川、庆城、合水等县(区),平均产量2250~3750kg/hm~2。

    The largest areas are Zhenyuan , Ningxian , Xifeng , Kongtong , Lingtai , Jingchuan , Qingcheng , Heshui and so on , the average production is 2250-3750kg / hm ~ 2.The district belongs to temperate zone semi-arid semi-moist dry continent monsoon climate .

  12. 本文选择新宁县作为研究样本,实证分析该县农村法律援助发展现状,剖析农村法律援助问题症结,以务实性地提出立法和制度上完善的建议。

    The paper select the new County as the samples , analyze the status of the rural county legal aid development , and analyze Rural Legal Assistance crux of the problem . The aim is to put forward some suggestions on pragmatic legislative and institutional improvement .

  13. 后周的疆域南至长江北岸,向北收复了宁州(今河北宁县)和一些重要关溢,如益今关(今河北坝县)。

    With his territory extending as far as the northern bank of the Yangtze River , he succeeded in recovering a number of strategic points from Qidan , such as Ningzhou ( now Ning coun-ty , Hebei ) and Yijinguan Pass ( Baxian County , Hebei ) .