
  • 网络ningcheng;Ningcheng County
  1. 北京市和宁城县非眼科住院患者及家属的青光眼与白内障意识调查

    The survey of awareness level of glaucoma and cataract in Beijing city and Ningcheng County

  2. 内蒙古宁城县由于盛产古生物化石,因此近几年来引起国内外学者广泛的关注。

    As rich in fossils in Ningcheng County of Inner Mongolia , it had aroused wide concerns of scholars home and abroad in recent years .

  3. 对宁城县某度假区地热资源综合利用项目进行了方案设计。

    Carried out a series of design projects on utilization of geothermal resources on a resort in Ningcheng .

  4. 宁城县应用旱坡地机械化水土保持耕作技术效果显著

    Ningcheng has Achieved Good Results in Applying Farming Technique of Mechanical Water and Soil Conservation in Non-irrigated Mountain Slopes

  5. 本文对内蒙古自治区赤峰市宁城县山嘴子辽代墓地出土的古代契丹族颅骨的人类学特征进行了研究。

    The skulls of Qidan nationality studied in this paper were excavated from the Liao dynasty tombs in Shanzuizi site , Ningcheng County , Inner Mongolia .

  6. 热水金矿位于内蒙古宁城县热水镇,是一个与岩浆热液有关的石英脉型金矿。

    The Reshui gold deposit , located in the Reshui Town of Ningcheng , Inner Mongolia , is a quartz vein-type gold deposit related to the magmatic hydrothermal solution .

  7. 内蒙古宁城县毗邻辽西、冀北,是热河生物群研究程度比较高的地区。

    Ningcheng is in the southeast of Inner Mongolia , adjoins the west areas of Liaoning province and the north areas of Hebei province , which are famous for the Jehol Biota .

  8. 地处赤峰市南部的宁城县具有得天独厚的山杏资源优势,经过多年研究和试验、推广,现已具备了丰富的山杏丰产经营管理技术经验。

    Ningcheng County , situating in the south of Chifeng , is abundant in apricot resources . As a result of the research , experiment and popularization , we have accumulated rich experience of management techniques of high yielding of apricot .