
  1. 这孩子爱哭,别招他。

    He 's a crybaby so don 't tease him .

  2. 有些孩子爱挑嘴。

    Some children are choosy about the food they eat .

  3. 少年们围坐在靠近角落的桌子旁,喝着叫spezi的饮料,一种德国孩子爱得要死的可乐和芬达的混合饮料,点了与邻座相同的高碳水化合物食品。

    The teenagers gather around a table in a corner . They drink " spezi " , the revolting mixture of coke and Fanta that German children survive on , and order the same carbohydrate-heavy food as their neighbours .

  4. 孩子爱母亲,这是很自然的。

    It 's natural for a child to love its mother .

  5. 孩子爱它的一个伟大的室内活动。

    Children love it and it 's a great indoor activity .

  6. 孩子爱母亲是常情。

    It 's natural that a child should love its mother .

  7. 什么样的人会说一个六岁的孩子爱显摆学问?

    What kind of a person calls a 6-year-old a know-it-all ?

  8. 星期五出生的孩子爱与仁慈。

    Friday 's child is loving and giving .

  9. 我们都知道孩子爱糖果。

    We all know kids love sugar .

  10. 一些孩子爱看恐怖电影并喜欢谈论它。

    Some kids will go to a scary movie and love it and laugh over it .

  11. 让孩子爱学、会学是奠定其一生成就的基础。

    Making a child keen on study and good at study is a foundation for his or her successful life .

  12. 健康家庭的基础依赖于父母传递给每一个孩子爱、信任和自我价值的能力。

    The foundation of a healthy family depends on the ability of the parents to communicate messages of love , trust , and self-worth to each child .

  13. 慈是慈爱弱小,像父母爱赤子一样,像孩子爱年老的父母,这才是自然之爱。

    Love is love is weak , like the parents love like the pure , like a child love old parents , this is the love of nature .

  14. 如今,对于那些子女还不到18岁的男人而言,优先考虑的是如何做个好父亲:给孩子爱和支持。

    Now the top priority of men with children under the age of18 still living at home is the softer side of being a father & providing love and support .

  15. 第二,父母给予孩子爱,而同时也教育孩子有纪律,做该做的事,做正确的事。

    Parents should love their children and , at the same time , discipline them . Parents should also direct their children to behave correctly and ask them to do the right thing .

  16. 我对自己所有孩子的爱都是无条件的。

    My love for all my children is unconditional

  17. 孩子们爱爬上爬下。

    Children love to climb .

  18. 她对这孩子的爱是显而易见的。

    Her love for the child was apparent .

  19. 这孩子老爱跟人起腻。

    What a little torment that child is !

  20. 我可能不像Gang-du(很有趣,这个名字的上海话)那样蠢,但我对我孩子的爱是一样的。

    I might not be as stupid as Gang-du , but the passion and love for the child-I can definitely relate to that .

  21. 它寄托着母亲对孩子的爱,也包含着孩子对母亲的爱。

    It represents the love mother for children and vice versa .

  22. 谁也不知道她对这孩子的爱有多深。

    Nobody knew the depth of her love for the child .

  23. 有个孩子很爱发脾气,稍有不顺心就大吵大闹。

    There is a child who was apt to loss temper .

  24. 那我便能让我孩子在爱围抱中成长。

    So I can bring my kids up surrounded by love .

  25. 你如何能衡量母亲对孩子的爱?

    How can you measure the love of a mother ?

  26. 爱你的孩子,爱你的妻子,保持平静。

    Love your kids , love your wife , keep the peace .

  27. 我以为你对自己孩子的爱

    I thought , the love you have for your children

  28. 对孩子关于爱和爱之故事的话一笑置之。

    Laugh about kids quotes on love or events .

  29. 孩子需要爱,特别是当他们得不到爱的时候。

    Children are in need of love especially when they cannot get it .

  30. 她对孩子的爱是很深的。

    Her love for the child was very deep .