
  • 网络The Tree
  1. 我将把这个穷(这儿翻译成:可怜的)孩子放到树上。

    I will put the poor little boy in the tree .

  2. 有个孩子想到树上去耍一哈子。

    One day a boy waned to play on the tree .

  3. 孩子从树下面跑出来。

    The child ran out from under the tree .

  4. 有个孩子在树上搭建了一座小房子,而上树用的梯子踏板的间距非常近。

    One built a tree house with the steps leading to it close together .

  5. 你知道的,一个孩子从树上落下来可能会把尾巴摔坏的。

    You know , a guy could break his tail falling out of this tree .

  6. 带孩子去树屋

    Take the baby to the wardrobe .

  7. 该分析器采用多出口的分析表结构,引入符号映射函数实现短语边界的自动识别,用孩子兄弟树描述短语的句法结构,并通过短语转换模式实现源语言向目标语言的短语级转换。

    The GLR-based parsing algorithm uses a symbol map function to automatically recognize the boundaries of English phrases and child-brother trees to describe the syntactic structure of phrases . And also phrase transform patterns are introduced in the extended CFG to translate English into Chinese at phrase level .

  8. 这孩子被圣诞树上闪闪发光的装饰品吸引住了。

    The child was attracted by the glitter of the Christmas tree decorations .

  9. 那孩子坐在树的桠杈上。

    The child was sitting on a crotch of a tree .

  10. 这三个孩子跑到香蕉树旁,把香蕉作为早餐。

    The three children ran to the bananas tree for breakfast .

  11. 孩子们从树上摇落了几个苹果。

    The children shook some apples down from the tree .

  12. 他们看见那孩子突然从树上跌下来。

    The saw the boy fall suddenly from the tree .

  13. 孩子都从树洞里爬出来了。

    The children scrambled out of the hollow tree .

  14. 孩子们在树丛中到处乱跑。

    Children ran to and fro between the trees .

  15. 我看见孩子们在树下玩游戏。

    I saw children playing game under the tree .

  16. 孩子们朝树上扔石子,惊动她的神经。

    The boys throw stones at the trees and that jars her nerves .

  17. 孩子们在树底下吗?

    Are there any children under the tree ?

  18. 本体复杂度度量采用孩子-兄弟树的深度-宽度与重要因子结合的方法。

    The complexity of the ontology is calculated by the depth and width of the concept tree .

  19. 树枝立即长成大树,孩子指着这树对农民说,每年今日,树上都长满礼物,以报答你们的盛情。

    The branches grow into a tree immediately , the children of farmers , pointing to this tree that each year today , the trees are covered with gifts in order to repay your hospitality .

  20. 叫你孩子从那棵树上下来。

    Tell your kid to come down out of that tree .

  21. 夜间则和孩子睡在橘子树下。

    At night she slept with her children under the orange trees .

  22. 孩子们看见圣诞树下的所有礼物,快乐地尖叫起来。

    The children squealed in delight when they saw all the presents under the christmastree .

  23. 既然我的祖先为我栽树,我也该为我的孩子们栽些树呀。

    As my forefathers planted these for me , so I too plant these for my children .

  24. 爷爷是个吝啬的老人,他过去常常把孩子从他的苹果树旁赶开。

    Grandad was a miserable old man who used to chase children away from his apple trees .

  25. 她说:孩子们很喜欢树上的灯,这些灯似乎有中能使他们安静的魔力。

    Young kids enjoy tree lights , she says , and they seem to have a calming effect on them .

  26. 想起来了,左拉说过:“生个孩子,种棵树,写本书。”

    Then it came to me : Zola had said ," To have a child , to plant a tree , to write a book . "

  27. 在圣诞节早上,看到孩子们在圣诞树下打开礼物时那充满惊喜的脸,那是圣诞节我最喜欢的事情之一了。

    That 's one of my favorite parts of christmas , the children 's surprised faces when they open their presents under the tree on Christmas morning .

  28. 孩子们依然在树上监视着,泰勒夫人正手里拿了根扫帚柄在拍扫着石台阶上的尘土。

    They watched as she took a broomstick to clean the dirt from her stone steps . But , much to their disappointment , she did not mount the broomstick and take flight .

  29. 对莱恩斯家的孩子们而言,树上小屋是一个美妙、宁静和私密的地方。在被树枝环绕的小屋里,他们可以和伙伴们过家家、做游戏。

    For the lyons 's kids , the tree house can be a nice , quiet , and private place where they can hang out with their friends and play among the branches .