
  • 网络Learn from Lei Feng
  1. 希望大家以此为动力,把学雷锋活动继续推向新高度。

    Hope that we take this as motivation to continue to learn from Lei Feng activities to a new height .

  2. 中国的志愿服务是从学雷锋活动发展而来的,志愿服务队伍不断壮大。

    Chinese volunteer service developed from the " learning from Lei Feng " campaign , the voluntary service has has expanded steadily .

  3. 你还在学雷锋吗?

    Are you doing good deed ?

  4. 再次,我们应立足自身进行岗位学雷锋,要从身边小事做起。

    Third , we should position itself based on learning from Lei Feng , from the little things around .

  5. 2007年担任系学生会干事,2008年担任系学生会常务部部长。曾多回参加学雷锋志愿服务。

    Proficient in ms office operation system software.2007 as director of student union , in2008 as minister of standing .

  6. 我国大学生志愿服务从60年代的学雷锋活动,发展到2008年奥运志愿服务,历经几十年的发展历程。

    Volunteer service of Chinese college students has gone through decades of development from Leifeng Volunteer Activities in the 1960s to the Olympic service in 2008 .

  7. 阳春三月,一年一度的学雷锋纪念日又到了,人们开始以各种行动向雷锋学习。

    Yangchun in March , the annual anniversary and to learn from Lei Feng , and people began to learn a variety of actions to Lei Feng .

  8. 那么,我们同学将以怎样的姿态投入到学雷锋活动洪流中去呢?我认为要从以下几方面来做。

    Well , we kind of attitude the students will be learning from Lei Feng activities into the torrent go ? I think the following should be done .

  9. 深化群众性精神文明创建活动,广泛开展志愿服务,推动学雷锋活动、学习宣传道德模范常态化。

    We should conduct more public activities to promote cultural and ethical progress , encourage volunteer service , and carry out regular activities to learn from paragons of virtue such as Lei Feng and publicize their exemplary deeds .

  10. 正是在这种特定的社会背景下,在总结学雷锋活动和借鉴国外志愿者工作经验的基础上,共青团中央于1993年正式发起中国青年志愿者行动。

    Under this specific social context , the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League officially launched " Youth Voluntary Action in China " in 1993 on the basis of summarizing the experience of learn-from-Lei Feng activities and learning from the working experience of volunteers abroad .

  11. 我国的志愿服务活动就是在学雷锋活动的基础上成长起来的,所以雷锋精神和志愿精神在实质上基本一致,就是服务社会、服务大众、服务他人。

    In our country , the volunteer work is developing on the base of Follow Leifeng , so the spirit of Lei Feng is the same as the spirit of volunteer in essence , that is providing service for society , for public , for people .