
xué yì
  • knowledge and skill;science and art
  • learn a trade
学艺 [xué yì]
  • [learn an artistic skill] 学习文艺;学习技艺

  • 孩子在戏校学艺

  • [knowledge and skill] 学问、技艺

  • 他俩在切磋学艺

  1. 我见到了钢刀厂如今的制刀大师吴增栋(WuTsong-shan),他今年56岁,随自己父亲与爷爷学艺后进入此行。

    I met the current maestro , Wu Tsong-shan , 56 , who had followed his father and grandfather into the business .

  2. Tonya一度向Drew拜师学艺

    In the past , Drew has routinely schooled Tonya at checkers ,

  3. 新创企业Lytro的发明对全世界学艺不精的摄影师来说就宛如上帝的恩赐一般。

    It could be a godsend for awful photographers around the world .

  4. 最后,结合原有的拜师学艺相关基本理论和本研究成果,提出了DY公司拜师学艺改进策略。

    Finally , combined the relevant basic theories and the results of this study , the promoting strategies of apprenticing with the great masters was proposed to DY company .

  5. 其次对DY公司拜师学艺的发展现状进行总结和归纳,通过访谈法等进行分析和探讨,并提出该公司拜师学艺的不足之处和产生的原因。

    Secondly , the present development of apprenticing with the great masters in DY company has been summarized , the deficiencies and the causes have been put forward through interviews and other analysis and exploring .

  6. 再是结合DY公司战略和人力资源规划,建立了基于职业生涯管理的拜师学艺的目标、关系、教学模型。

    Thirdly , the objectives , relationships and teaching models of apprenticing with the great masters based on the career management have been built , combined with the strategies and human resources planning of DY company .

  7. 在家主动学艺、看课外书、说英语。

    Learn more skills , read more books and speak English initiatively .

  8. 有个名叫纪昌的人,跑来向飞卫学艺。

    A man named Ji Chang came to Fei Wei to learn archery .

  9. 被培训的手艺人因学艺为师付工作数年的合同。

    Contract by which a trainee craftsman work for a master for some .

  10. 当服务员也算学艺嘛。

    Being a waiter is also learning a trade .

  11. 1995年日本东京学艺大学美术教育研究生(获硕士学位);

    1993-1995 Studied in Tokyo Gakugei University , Achieved Art Education Master 's Degree ;

  12. 人老不学艺。(老狗学不会新把戏)。

    An old dog will learn no tricks .

  13. 他的父亲使他向木匠拜师学艺。

    His father apprenticed him to a carpenter .

  14. 中华学艺社与近代中国科学文化的发展

    The Chinese Scholarship Society and the Development of Science and Culture of Modern China

  15. 他跟银匠师傅拜师学艺。

    He was apprenticed to a master silversmith .

  16. 我来这儿学艺啊。

    I 'm learning a trade here .

  17. 我怎么“学艺(译)”呢?

    How did I learn the art ?

  18. 他跟一个电工技师学艺。

    He was apprentice to an electrician .

  19. 他学艺不精就不该上场肉搏.

    He shouldn 't have entered the melee if he didn 't know how to fight .

  20. 当初先帝答应你去吴越之地学艺,我是反对的。

    When your father allowed you to pursue the arts , I was against the idea .

  21. 这是他查明身世,拜师学艺的地方

    This is where he learned who he was . This is where he came for guidance .

  22. 很多画工在学艺不精的情况下就急于生产低价产品来获利。

    Many painters eager to profit from the low-priced products in the case of low craft level .

  23. 然而对于他们来说这并不是一件容易的事情,因为在他们学艺的期间从来没有人教会他们如何读书和写字。

    This was difficult because when they were at school they were never taught how to read or write .

  24. 他把文化视之为技术、制度和学艺三部分构成的内在结构和外在环境的产物。

    He regards culture as the produce of inner construction and outer environment formed by technology , system and academics .

  25. 文章认为,当今吴桥杂技学艺、从艺行为是当地人对地方文化传统的现代性借用。

    The author considers that acrobatics learning and practicing in present times is a modernity practice of local traditional culture .

  26. 一天中的大部分时间里,他们都跟着一名工程师学艺,听他讲解不同流程以及设备的工作方法。

    For most of the day , they followed an engineer , who explained different processes and how the equipment works .

  27. 对于所有正在学艺的年轻球员来说,在斯科尔斯这样的传奇身边踢球都是很有好处的。

    For any young midfielder learning his trade , playing alongside a living blueprint of brilliance like Paul Scholes can only be beneficial .

  28. 论文在这一背景上深入研究现阶段我国农民对土地的依赖性并设计了衡量指标,包括土地收入比重、单位面积贡献度、生活保障程度和重新学艺难度四个指标。

    On this background the dissertation researches on the farmers ' dependence on land in our country and designs index to measure it .

  29. 在原始社会,一位好猎手之所以被视为偶像,是因为人们可以向他学艺以便更好地生存下去。

    In primitive society , a good hunter was a role model because people could learn from him and had a better chance of surviving .

  30. 她会织围巾,会绣花,会编手工艺品,左邻右舍的人都夸她手艺好,还来跟她学艺。

    She had learnt scarves-weaving , broidery , crafts-making , etc. All her neighbors spoke highly of her skills and came to learn from her .