
  • 网络School Development Planning;School Development Plan;sdp
  1. 目前,我国学校发展规划研究尚处于起步阶段,学术性与经验性研究文献并不多见。

    At present , the research on SDP in our country is generally at the point of the beginning and few relevant studies can be found .

  2. 在学校发展规划工作中,校长、教师、家长扮演着主要的角色,发挥着重要的作用,然而在实际工作中还存在着各种各样的问题。

    In the work of SDP , presidents , faculties and parents play very important role , however , it appears some kind of problems in practice .

  3. 学校发展规划(SchoolDevelopmentPlanning,简称SDP)是20世纪70年代首先由英国提出的一种管理理念,它是有效改进学校管理、提高教育教学质量的手段和技术方法。

    School Development Planning ( SDP ) is a management concept firstly proposed in England in the 1970s , and known as a tool and technique to improve school management and quality of education and teaching .

  4. 从实际出发制定和实施学校发展规划

    Drawing up and implementing school development plan based on school reality

  5. 这章对学校发展规划的内涵、特征以及内容进行了分析。

    The school development planning content , features and content are analyzed .

  6. 对我国高等学校发展规划工作的思考

    Thoughts on the Developmental Planning of Universities in China

  7. 制定和实施学校发展规划,是学校管理的切入点。

    Drawing up and implementing school development plan is the initial point of school management .

  8. 第三章对湖南省长沙市第十九中学的学校发展规划进行了分析。

    The third chapter has analyzed the School Development Planning of the Nineteenth Middle School , Changsha .

  9. 运用随机抽样的研究方法在百度网上选取了12所学校发展规划的文本进行分析,总结出问题,并对问题进行了分析。

    Use random sampling method to select 12 schools ' school development plan from Baidu . Do analysis against them .

  10. 学校发展规划的缘起充分体现了学校教育与管理活动的计划性与复杂性。

    The origin of School Development Planning ( SDP ) fully reflects that educational and managerial actions in schools are planned and complex .

  11. 文章的正文部分由三章构成,第二章为学校发展规划的基本理论问题。

    The body of the paper consists of three chapters . The second chapter is about the basic theory of school development planning issues .

  12. 随着网络的快速发展,高校办公自动化系统的开发及应用也成为学校发展规划的主要方向。

    With the rapid development of internet , the development and application of the universities office Automation System becomes the main stream of school development .

  13. 在论述了学校发展规划的基本理论及存在的一般问题的基础上,最后一章则是重点谈上海市实验性示范性高中规划的评审工作。

    On the basis of the analysis of basic theory and general problems , the final part of the paper mainly discussed the evaluation work in sample high schools in Shanghai .

  14. 高等学校发展规划既是一种带全局性的总体发展规划,也是一个基层教学机构的工作指南,是高等学校在一定时间段内发展诸因素的综合谋划与部署。

    Planning of development of colleges is a general development planning with all to all aspects , a work manual for the grass roots of teaching institutions . It is a synthesis design and deployment of each factors of colleges development during a certain period of time .

  15. 学校发展规划的制定能够调动参与者的积极性、获得广泛的认同,其意旨是解决学校发展中的具体问题,满足学校发展、教师专业发展、学生发展的现实需要。

    At last it should be able to arouse the participants ' enthusiasm and acquire the mass identity with the aim of solving the particular problems in school 's development , satisfy the development of schools , teacher 's professionalization and the actual needs of students ' development .

  16. 西方中小学校本发展规划研究及启示

    School Development Planning in Western Countries and its Implications for China

  17. 对学校环境发展规划制定的思考

    Thinking on Working out Development Plan of School Environment

  18. 学校发展战略规划是这五大要件的逻辑展开。

    The strategic plan for the development of schools is the logic development of these five major parts .

  19. 同时,面向新世纪,阐述了“十五”期间学校发展的规划和应解决的主要问题。

    In addition , describing the project of TPC development in the " tenth-five years plan " and the major problems that should be solved .

  20. 西安电子科技大学发展规划处是对学校的发展规划进行研究、论证、组织和落实的职能部门。

    Development and Planning Office of Xidian University is a functional department which researches , demonstrates , organizes and implements the development plans of the university .

  21. 无论在游客参观或为学校发展制定规划时,它能给使用者提供一个完美的平台,极大的减少了原本需要实地考察或其他活动的开支,对现今学校建设规划具有非常良好的现实意义。

    No matter in tourists visiting or for school development planning , it can provide user a perfect platform , greatly reducing the originally need on investigation of the expenditure or school construction planning .

  22. 自主发展呼唤学校制定学校发展规划。

    Independent development of the school calls for schools to make their own School Development Planning ( SDP ) .

  23. 学校的职业发展规划人员说,这些学生花了很多时间自己搜寻,并积极积聚人脉,走上自己所希望的职业道路。

    Instead , they are logging long hours conducting their own searches and networking furiously to get onto the career path they want , say career-services officials .

  24. 本研究在《全国学校艺术教育发展规划》标准下,通过对高校音乐课堂教学现状的调查研究,具体关注高校音乐课堂教学评价中存在的问题,进行深层次的分析影响高校音乐教学的因素。

    This study based on the college music teaching present situation investigation and study , in the " National School Art Education Development Planning " standard , with specific attention in music classroom teaching evaluation problems , in-depth analysis of the impact of college music teaching factors .

  25. 办什么样的大学,如何办大学,如何对学校的未来发展进行规划设计,这是决定一所大学生存和发展的首要问题。

    What kind of universities to be constructed , how to run them and how to design their development are primary problems to their existence and development .

  26. 目的为了解上海市区高中学生健康和营养状况及存在主要问题,为政府制定学校卫生保健工作发展规划,促进学生健康成长提供科学依据。

    Objective To study the nutritional and health status of high school student 's in the urban area of Shanghai and offer scientific reference and consultation basis for the government to establish the plan of development of adolescent hygiene and health care .

  27. 现行教育管理制度与政策、学校组织管理机制、学校发展规划理论研究是制约当前学校发展规划实践的三大基本因素。

    Including present educational management regulations and policy , managerial mechanism of school organization and lagging theoretical research on SDP .

  28. 提出了学校生态发展的一系列策略:制定学校科学发展规划;创新学校管理机制;重建学校组织文化;以及合理开发和利用学校人力资源等。

    And it proposes a series of strategies of school ecology development : drawing up the scientific development planning of school ; reforming the school management systems ; reconstructing the organizational culture of school ; and exploiting and utilizing the manpower resources of school in properly .

  29. 20世纪80年代以来,学校发展内外环境所发生的重大变化使得学校层面的发展规划逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。

    With the great change of environments SDP has gradually become the focus of people 's attention since 1980 's.

  30. 在激烈的竞争中是民办学校求得生存、稳步发展,必须合理制定适合学校发展的战略规划。

    Private universities must be lain down the right strategic planning for themselves in order to seek survival and develop steadily in the fierce competition .