
  • 网络learning fatigue
  1. 结果表明:(1)简易自我放松催眠能有效缓解个体的学习疲劳,恢复注意力水平。(2)简易自我放松催眠对于缓解不同年龄、不同性别和不同感受性水平个体的学习疲劳都是适用的。

    The results are as following : ( 1 ) Simple self-relaxation-hypnosis could do better than normal break activity in relieving learning fatigue . ( 2 ) Simple self-relaxation-hypnosis were universally applicable for the participants in different genders , ages and sensitivity level .

  2. 过高的学习目标会导致学习疲劳。

    The higher learning aim can cause learning fatigue .

  3. 短时程HRV的频域指标用于照明环境引起的工作学习疲劳评价中,表现出显著性。

    The frequency domain index on short-time HRV used for the evaluation on the working fatigue that caused by the lighting environment shows remarkable variety .

  4. 浅谈学生学习疲劳的预防与消除

    The Prevention and Recovery from Study Fatigue

  5. 简易自我放松催眠对学习疲劳的缓解作用

    The hypnotic subject is very suggestible . The Function of Simple Self-relaxation-hypnosis in Releasing Middle School Students ' Learning Tiredness

  6. 大学生体育学习心理疲劳的产生原因与对策研究

    The Cause and Tactics of College Students ' Mental Fatigue About Learning PE

  7. 导致学生对学习产生疲劳或反感,不仅没有起到提高成绩的作用,其它方面的能力或天赋也没有得到挖掘。

    Moreover , it may make the students feel fatigue or disgust . Apparently , it neither improves students ' grades nor excavates other capabilities or talent .

  8. 但他们同时也具有这样的特点:长期的学习容易疲劳,注意力容易分散,自律意识还比较薄弱,爱表现自我但却不善于倾听等。

    But simultaneously they have the following characteristics : they will easily get tired in learning , they can easily get distracted , they are weak in self-discipline ability , they are keen to express themselves yet they are not good listeners .

  9. 英语学习中心理疲劳的原因是多方面的,学习者有必要掌握预防和消除心理疲劳、恢复和保持心理机能的方法,从而有效提高学习效果。

    Because of the various factors ' existence , it is necessary for learners to take precautionary countermeasure in order to improve learner 's mental health and learning effect .

  10. 如果你必须选择很大的课程量,你就必须保证没有其它职责让你分心,可以全身心地投入学习,不会疲劳过度。

    If you are required to take a lot of courses , you should ensure that you have few other responsibilities so that you can focus all of your attention on your schoolwork without overexerting yourself .

  11. 转金属硫蛋白基因平菇的营养保健功能研究初报&对小鼠生长发育、学习记忆及抗疲劳能力的影响

    Studies on the Nutrition and Health Function of Transgenic Metallothionein Mushroom

  12. 为了有效地评测人的驾驶精神疲劳状态,本文提出了一种基于核学习算法的精神疲劳分级方法。

    To effectively identify driving mental fatigue states , a new method based on kernel learning algorithm is presented .

  13. 帮助孩子制定最佳的学习目标,别让孩子陷入学习疲劳。

    Help your children to make the right learning aim and do not let them fall into learning fatigue .

  14. 当代大学生存在着不同程度的学习心理问题,如学习动力缺乏、学习动机过强、学习焦虑、学习疲劳、考试焦虑、学习自卑等。这些问题严重地影响着他们的学习。

    To some extent , college students have psychological problems in learning , including lack of learning impetus , too strong learning motivation , learning anxiety , learning fatigue , exam anxiety and learning self-contempt , and all these problems affect their learning seriously .

  15. 但传统学习社区缺乏逼真的情境体验、信息呈现方式较单一,情感缺失导致学习者易产生疲劳感。

    However , the traditional platform lacks lifelike situation experience and its information presentation is boring , which may leads to athymia and that students tend to feel tired .