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  • 网络Meng Jiao;Meng Chiao
孟郊 [mèng jiāo]
  • [Meng Jiao] (751-814) 字东野,湖州武康(现在浙江省德清县)人。他写的一首歌颂母爱的诗,千百年来一直脍炙人口

  1. 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。(孟郊《游子吟》)

    Who says that the heart of an inch-long plant , | can requite the radiance of full spring ?

  2. 论佛教哲学与孟郊的诗歌

    On the Connection between the Buddhist Philosophy and Meng Jiao 's Poems

  3. 孟郊为母亲写了一首诗,诗名是什么?

    What is the title of Meng Jiao 's poem to his mother ?

  4. 爱伦坡与孟郊创作心理定势之比较

    A Comparison of the Psychological Tendencies Between Allan Poe and Meng Jiao in Creation

  5. 中国唐代有一位诗人,名叫孟郊。

    In the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ), there was a poet called Meng Jiao .

  6. 这让我不禁想到了孟郊的《游子吟》:慈母手中线,游子身上衣。

    It makes me can not help but think of Meng Jiao 's " Song of a Wanderer ": The mother line Wandering onto clothing .

  7. 本文试图通过对美国诗人爱伦坡与中国诗人孟郊的比较,分析两人的相同的创作心理定势。

    This article has discussed the similarities in the psychological patterns of literary creation through a comparison of the American poet , Allan Poe , and the Chinese poet , Meng Jiao .

  8. 其所指晚唐诗人是以孟郊、贾岛、姚合为代表的一些有隐逸倾向、写清苦生活、刻意琢磨诗歌艺术技巧的诗人。

    They mainly referred to the poetry with re-emitting tendency , written in an ornate style and concentrating on bitter lives by three representative poets Meng Jiao , Jia Dao , Yao He .

  9. 第三部分探讨洛阳生活对孟郊诗歌创作的意义,着重从孟郊在韩孟诗派的地位、洛阳诗歌的创作成就和悲愁情结三个方面分析。

    Part three probing into the meaning of his life in Luoyang for poetry creation , especially focusing on his status in the poetry system of Han-Meng , his achievement of poem works in Luoyang and gloom complex .