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zènɡ bié
  • Farewell;give a parting gift/poem/etc.
赠别 [zèng bié]
  • [see off] 赠送礼品,远送离别;赠言而别

  • 年年御沟柳,赠别雨霏霏。--马戴诗

  1. 娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初。(杜牧《赠别》)

    Slim and supple and not yet fourteen , | she is like the spring-tip of a cardamom spray .

  2. 因“柳”与“留”谐音,“折柳赠别”还有挽留之意。

    For " Willow " and " stay " harmony " fold " on parting in the willow and retain .

  3. 第一节依据别诗的主体倾向分为送别、留别两大类,同时涉及赠别、忆别的分类。

    The first section is divided into in accordance with the main tendencies of other poems farewell , leaving the other two categories , while involving the parting , recalling other classification analysis .