
  • 网络Increase in inventory;Changes in Inventories
  1. 这种被人为拉大的投资需求的结果表现为低效率的投资形成过程,即存货增加在GDP中的比重过高、投资对经济增长的贡献质量不高。

    This artificially expanded investment demand resulted the investment formation process of low efficiency , that is , over-weighted ratio of inventory in GDP and lower contribution of investment to the economic growth .

  2. 但是,存货增加是不可持续的,所以人们不会因此对未来增长寄予厚望。

    But inventory build-ups are unsustainable and so offer less hope for future growth .

  3. 由于公司对市场需求理解错误,造成存货增加,导致业务成本过高。

    The business is subject to increased cost due to excess inventories if the company misjudges the demand for the products .

  4. 存货增加可能会随著企业开始提高产量和进口更多的原材料或半制成品符合改善贸易条件。

    Inventories are likely to start increasing as businesses ramp up production and import more raw materials or semi-finished goods in line with improving trading conditions .

  5. 但最近几周,受美国制造商存货增加之推动,该价格又有所回升。现在看来,该趋势在今后6个月里几乎肯定会反转,尽管价格之下跌似乎不可能很剧烈。

    That trend now looks almost certain to go into reverse in the next six months , even though the fall in prices seems unlikely to be dramatic .

  6. 随着去年秋季销售量急剧下降,经合组织发现,美国、欧洲和日本的未售出存货大幅增加。

    As sales plunged last autumn , the OECD recorded sharp rises in unsold stocks in the US , Europe and Japan .

  7. 上述数据好于预期,这得益于公共开支以及存货的增加。受公共开支扩大的推动,日本经济有望在本季度实现扩张。

    The data was better than predicted , thanks to public spending and a rise in inventories , and the economy is likely to expand in the current quarter on the back of more public spending .

  8. 在每一个时期里,存货的增加都意味着购货净额大于商品销售成本,存货的减少都意味着购货净额小于商品销售成本。

    For every accounting period , the increase of inventory indicates that the net purchases are more than the cost of goods sold , and the decrease of inventory shows that the net purchases are less than cost of goods sold .

  9. 这些因素都导致了仓库存货的急剧增加。

    Those factors have led to a sharp increase in stocks held in warehouses .

  10. 若先储备规模为58.58平方公里,则最低存货成本将增加很多,减小了期望利润。

    If the reserve scale is 58.58 square kilometers , the minimum inventory costs will increase many , reducing the expected profits .

  11. 未来两个月内,我们的(钢铁)存货将有所增加,他同时解释称,他的公司将继续依据与大型钢铁企业签订的长期合同购进钢材。

    In the next two months , our [ steel ] inventories will increase , he says , explaining that his company is continuing to receive steel under its long-term contracts with big steel mills .

  12. 因此,当产品处于衰退期时,企业若能在有效的时间内采取合理的销售方式,吸引潜在客户,扩大销售规模,必然能够降低企业的存货风险,增加企业收益。

    Therefore , if the enterprises take rational selling measures in the effective time to attract potential customers and expand sale scale , it would reduce the risk of storage and increase enterprises profit in the declining period of life cycle .

  13. 结果,待售的房地产存货量开始急速增加。

    As a result , the inventory of properties on sale is shooting up .