
xī pí shì
  • hippy;hippie
嬉皮士 [xī pí shì,xī pí pài]
  • [hippie;hippy] 拒绝现存社会的道德状态(如通过穿奇装异服或喜爱群居生活),信奉非暴力道德,及经常服用大麻药或幻觉剂的青年人;泛指蓄长发、穿奇装异服的青年人

嬉皮士[xī pí shì]
  1. 不能因为他蓄须就说他是嬉皮士。

    Just because he has a beard doesn 't necessarily mean he 's a hippy .

  2. 他年轻的时候一度过着嬉皮士式的生活

    In his youth he had been sucked into a hippy cult .

  3. 他是20世纪60年代嬉皮士的残余分子。

    He 's a leftover from the hippies in the 1960s .

  4. 这看起来是一部嬉皮士时代的影片。

    This is a film which seems to hail from the hippie era .

  5. 这个工作室是艺术家和嬉皮士的安乐窝。

    This studio is a haven for artists and hippies .

  6. 关于嬉皮士的语源是有争议的。

    The hippies ' etymology is contentious .

  7. 信托自由儿的发型通常都很自然。虽然有能力购买一些时尚的设计师服装,信托自由儿却更愿意穿旧货店的衣服,便宜的T恤,破旧的牛仔裤,戴着嬉皮士或波西米亚风格的配饰。

    A trustafarian often wears his or her hair in natural styles . Although able to purchase fashionable designer clothing , a trustafarian prefers to wear thrift2 store clothes , inexpensive t-shirts , worn jeans and other hippie or bohemian accessories .

  8. 句子换成嬉皮士“希特勒”卡拉OK

    Replace the word " like " with the word " Hitler "

  9. 这里曾住着一位传奇的CEO亿万富翁和嬉皮士

    Home to no ordinary CEO , billionaire or hippie .

  10. 全食食品公司(WholeFoods)的联合创始人约翰·马克(JohnMackey)是一个嬉皮士。

    John Mackey , the co-founder of Whole Foods , was a hippie .

  11. 从一群声讨IBM的加利福尼亚嬉皮士成为了一个叱咤风云的老大哥

    as a bunch of Californians railing against IBM to become , itself , an all-powerful Big Brother .

  12. 一个个都会区中,都市化的嬉皮士从呼叫器升级到大哥大,到有CD唱片配备的轿车。

    In one major metropolis after another , urbanized yuppies graduated from beepers to cell phones to sedans with CD players .

  13. 曾有内部人士开玩笑说,加州大学伯克利分校(UCBerkeley)的哈斯商学院(HaasSchool)是嬉皮士们的商学院。

    The insiders joke that Berkeley 's Haas School is the business school for hippies .

  14. 还得跟一票卖毛织物,iPad套,调味料以及调味料瓶的废柴嬉皮士混一起

    stuck between hipsters selling crochet iPad sleeves and salt peppers and salt pepper shakers .

  15. 谢尔顿:Leonard,我是个物理学家,不是个嬉皮士(暗指另类的人)。

    Sheldon : Leonard , I 'm a physicist , not a

  16. 半透明化的菜单频频出现,新的控制中心就是其中一个例子,iOS7看起来颇有嬉皮士风范。

    Semi-transparent menu layers , like those seen in the new control center , lend an updated , hipper look .

  17. 迈尔斯凯西(MilesCasey)今年24岁,来自阿灵顿,是一名科学教师。他说:白天,我们看上去就像是一帮失业的嬉皮士。

    During the day , we just look like a bunch of out-of-work hippies , said Miles Casey , 24 , a science teacher from Arlington .

  18. 这部分市区到处都是嬉皮士和离经叛道之人。

    This part of town is full of hippies and dropouts .

  19. 那些长发嬉皮士的人生观倾向于虚无主义。

    The philosophy of those long - hairs leans towards nihilism .

  20. 现在这个嬉皮士计算机大亨已经进军好莱坞了

    Now the hippy computer mogul had become a Hollywood player .

  21. 嬉皮士们只负责其中一小部分的操作。

    Ageing hippies are responsible for only a few such operations .

  22. 起初,技术人员和嬉皮士们并没有多少交集。

    Initially the technologists and the hippies did not interface well .

  23. 1967年,她踏上嬉皮士之路去了印度。

    In 1967 she hit the hippy trail to India .

  24. 嬉皮士相信无拘束的爱和自我表达。

    The hippies believed in free love and self expression .

  25. 嬉皮士就这么说,雅各布,超棒的。

    It 's hipster talk , Jacob , and it 's awesome .

  26. 那时我住的街区被称为嬉皮士美国的非正式首都。

    My former neighborhood was called the unofficial capital of hipster America .

  27. 茉莉莎:嬉皮士都穿得很随便。

    MELISSA : The hippies dressed in very casual ways .

  28. 此外,嬉皮士的那种做派和方法似乎也过时得惹人讨厌了。

    Moreover , hippie style and methods seem painfully outdated .

  29. 拒绝向来店里的嬉皮士提供服务

    refusing service to hippies who came into his store .

  30. 对,我们为什么要和这个嬉皮士打交道?

    Yeah , why are we dealing with this joker ?