- servility;servilism;slavishness

(1) [servilism]∶卑鄙的或下贱的奴隶根性或驯从
(2) [servility]∶奴态,卑从;奴颜婢膝
(3) [slavishness]∶恭顺的性质或状态
On the Consciousness of Servility in Trauma & Introspection Novels
Infatuation and worship to money led people 's servility to an extreme degree .
Taking such a course would return me to slavish fragmentation .
His servile expression of praise for his employer was disgusting to me .
The first reason for man 's inner slavery is his ignorance of himself .
Love saw the malady of sin , and sought a balm of healing .
The cause of this historical cycle to aid one is the Servile Culture .
Attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner .
On Fu Shan 's Anti-servility Literary Thinking
" Servility " is obstruct the exercise of the right to freedom of the root .
Bow in a servile manner .
When a piece of paper Shaoqi , who is so servile and hypocritical to dance ?
This low abject brood , That fix their seats in mediocrity , Become your servile minds ;
Ancient agricultural culture is a lazy and servile culture and the world of non-daily life is narrow ;
The textual characteristics of trauma introspection novels reflects the consciousness of servility of the feudal and ignorant writers and public .
Chinese slavishness-consciousness , selfishness - consciousness , isolation-consciousness gradually weakened , while their independence-consciousness , group-consciousness , openness-consciousness slowly enhanced .
Meanwhile , he is also provided with strong ideas of slavishness , such as tractable , docilement , being worldly wise , etc.
The natural family on the basis of marriage and blood relationship gradually got its importance with the fall of slavery in Europe .
This phenomenon is not a manifestation of servility students , and this is precisely servility teachers and classes that contributed to the effort .
Only through the change of human beings ' slavish spirit can we really have the real freedom and achieve the harmony with nature to realize the sustainable development .
It gives rise to the antinomy in Russian character and spirit that is a mixture of virtue and weakness , servility and collectivity , extremity and tolerance , solemnity and sentimentality .
The peoples social psychology in the enemy-occupied area showed that their struggle of defying brute forces , their slavishness of having been obliged to be ruled and their inertia of indifference .
Well , then is it not better to use what is in thy power like a free man than to desire in a slavish and abject way what is not in thy power ?
And yet none of the latter could , of course , have sprung from the soil of such a trivial ignoble cheer , pointing as they do to an entirely different philosophy as their raison d'etre .
Male society is the source of the alienation and loss of female essence , while the servility and ailing conscious of female themselves , which regards male as the God , is the internal cause preventing female development .
In fact , servility culture is also a part of universal human nature of the entire human , is an inevitable phenomenon in the process of development of human history , it has a universal value to a large extent .
Fu Shan lays his gas monism on the concept of Qi to perform human nature , natural , eulogize the true , frank , and be angry against the servility tacky , formed the " Reasonable human desire " & the concept of Reason and Desire .
According to modern enlightenment philosophy , when the principle of freedom is to take place of holism in the relationship between collective and individual , an internal slave-like personality must be got rid of , and an external institutional suppression must be broken through as well .
But it cannot escape the dangers attendant upon any system of discipline , the dangers of submitting to mere routine , of adopting ready-made sentiments at second-hand , of a slavish , or perhaps I should rather say a sheepish , want of independence of character .
In other words , The Birthmark not only touches and exposes the evil that the patriarchal power 's norms bully and humiliate the feminine & objectify the feminine , but also criticizes the feminine self-negation and self-objectification and their servility of volunteering to give up the subject position .