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nǚ zǐ
  • woman;female;lady;gal
女子 [nǚ zǐ]
  • (1) [women]∶女人,女性的人

  • 女子种花烹调,男子打猎钓鱼

  • (2) [female]∶女人,女流

  • (3) 女孩子

  • 小女子毋多谈。--清. 徐珂《清稗类钞.战事类》

  • 女子先有誓。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

女子[nǚ zǐ]
  1. 警方正在调查一位年轻女子的失踪案。

    Police are investigating the disappearance of a young woman .

  2. 他双眼冷静地打量着面前的年轻女子。

    His eyes coolly appraised the young woman before him .

  3. 他正在同一个年龄比他小一半的傻里傻气的性感女子来往。

    He 's going out with an empty-headed bimbo half his age .

  4. 那面孔秀丽的女子粲然一笑。

    The woman 's fragile face broke into a smile .

  5. 她是个看不出年龄的高大女子。

    She was a tall woman of indeterminate age .

  6. 女子早婚是那个国家的风俗。

    It is the custom in that country for women to marry young .

  7. 一位神秘的年轻女子住在隔壁。

    A mysterious young woman is living next door .

  8. 一名年轻女子给他们指了去车站的路。

    A young woman directed them to the station .

  9. 女子室外径赛运动队已经七次夺冠。

    The girls ' outdoor track team has grabbed the brass ring seven times .

  10. 他就爱追年轻女子。

    He 's always running after younger women .

  11. 登山女子滑了一下松开了手。

    The climber slipped and lost her grip .

  12. 她不同凡响,是第一个飞越大西洋的女子。

    She had the distinction of being the first woman to fly the Atlantic .

  13. 她是个敢作敢为的女子!

    She is one ballsy lady !

  14. 审讯之前,利兹被描绘成受丈夫操纵的孱弱女子。

    Before the trial Liz had been pictured as a frail woman dominated by her husband .

  15. 他娶了一位几乎素不相识的女子。

    He married a virtual stranger .

  16. 特雷莎·扎贝尔轻松获得了女子金牌。

    Theresa Zabell ran away with the women 's gold medal .

  17. 很快,一个穿着白色外套的年轻女子走了进来。

    Presently , a young woman in a white coat came in

  18. 她还是不喜欢那个指甲脏脏的女子。

    She still did not like the woman who had dirty fingernails

  19. 一名年轻女子端着一杯咖啡走进来。

    A young woman came in with a cup of coffee .

  20. 我总是被十分娇柔纤弱的女子吸引。

    I 've always been attracted to very feminine , delicate women

  21. 每个封面上都有一名裸体女子。

    Every cover showed a woman in a state of undress .

  22. 司机是个大约30岁的身材苗条的年轻女子。

    The driver was a trim young woman of perhaps thirty .

  23. 卡萝尔身材高大,黑发棕肤,是个有着拉丁风情的女子。

    Carol is a tall , dark , Latin type of woman

  24. 玻璃杯呈女子身体的形状。

    The glass bottle is the shape of a woman 's torso .

  25. 一名年轻女子在自己家中惨遭强暴。

    A young woman was brutally raped in her own home

  26. 这幅画描绘了一个漂亮的、有着乌黑头发的年轻女子。

    The picture shows a dreamy , raven-haired young woman .

  27. 他被指控绑架一名25岁的女子。

    He was charged with the kidnap of a 25 year-old woman .

  28. 我对面是一位名叫贾丝明德(简称杰丝)的女子。

    Opposite me was a woman called Jasminder ( Jazzy for short )

  29. 明仁天皇在1959年打破皇室传统,娶了一位平民女子为妻。

    In 1959 , Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner

  30. 女子链球运动还不是主要的赛事。

    Hammer-throwing for women is not yet a major event .