
  • 网络Chancellor of Austria
  1. 奥地利总理塞巴斯蒂安·库尔兹表示,该国不排除在未来的5G网络建设中采用华为设备的可能性。

    Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz says the country will not rule out deploying Huawei 's equipment in building future 5G networks .

  2. 奥新社报道说,奥地利总理许塞尔表示这是“非常积极的步骤”。

    Austrian News Agency reported that Austrian Prime Minister Schussel said this was " a very positive step " .

  3. 现有的展馆和他的扩展将全面提供的在奥地利总理府的地下室现有的技术设施。

    The existing pavilion and his extension will be fully supplied by the existing technical installations in the basement of the chancellery .

  4. 奥地利在克赖斯基任总理期间蓬勃发展。

    Austria prospered under Kreisky 's chancellorship .