
  • 网络Augustine;Augustin;Saint Augustine
  1. 全体员工谨上亲爱的奥古斯汀:我们很高兴听说史密斯先生将要成为ABC公司的广告部主任。

    Yours , All the staff ABC Company Dear Augustine , We are so excited to hear from you that Mr. Smith has been on the way to become the director of Advertising Department of ABC Company .

  2. 阿奎奈是一个很好的例子,用来说明,他是怎么引用了John,Chrysostom的一个解读,然后又引用了奥古斯汀的另一个解读,而他决定不了选哪一个。

    Aquinas is a wonderful example of how he quotes one interpretation of John Chrysostom and then quotes another interpretation of Augustine , and he doesn 't decide .

  3. 亲爱的奥古斯汀:我们很高兴史密斯先生已经被任命为ABC公司广告部门主任,他在过去5年的表现我们有目共睹。我们完全支持他。

    Dear Augustine , We 're glad that Mr. Smith has been appointed as director of Advertising Department of ABC Company . We all have witnessed his performance in the past 5 years , and we will support him .

  4. 奥古斯汀:我忘了。我去喝了一杯。

    Augustine : I forgot . I went for a drink .

  5. 显然,聪明的奥古斯汀在这个问题上帮不了什么忙。

    The astute Augustine obviously wasn 't much help on this matter .

  6. 我从奥古斯汀的钥匙洞上看见她正站在镜子前面,有个金光闪闪的东西。

    I looked through Augustine 's keyhole , and I saw her standing at the mirror with something shiny .

  7. 除了担任导演和制片人,克鲁尼还在这部白雪皑皑的电影中饰演驻守在北极天文台的科学家奥古斯汀。

    As well as directing and producing , Clooney stars as Augustine , a scientist stationed in an Arctic observatory .

  8. 现在你在我给你们的那一章里读到,奥古斯汀就是怎么做的,对吧?

    Now you already read in the chapter I gave you that that 's exactly what Augustine does , right ?

  9. 所以上帝在第三日分出了,好的人性和坏的人性,这是奥古斯汀的寓言式解读。

    And so God separates out , on day three , good humanity from bad humanity , by Augustine 's allegorical interpretation .

  10. 所以奥古斯汀认为,它就像写经文的,牛皮纸,兽皮,皮革。

    And so Augustine says , it 's like vellum , it 's like the skin , the leather that you make texts out of .

  11. 奥古斯汀说,海代表了人性的刻薄一面;,旱地代表了那些,渴望正义和上帝的人。

    Augustine says ,; okay the sea represents the bitter part of humanity ; the dry land represents those who thirst after righteousness and God .

  12. 奥古斯汀认为,天空,当你抬头看天空你看到那个蓝色的东西,那个你头上的蓝色大圆顶。

    Augustine says , the sky , when you look up at the sky you see that blue thing , that big blue dome that 's above you .

  13. 所有这些都说明了奥古斯汀,知道怎么从字面上读经文,但也让人看到他会怎么寓言化地阅读经文。

    All of these just are illustrations of how Augustine knew how to read this text literally , but he shows you how he also reads it allegorically .

  14. 注意到奥古斯汀做的事:,他认为把自己放进《诗篇》里,把自己放在说话者的角色上是没问题的。

    Notice what Augustine 's doing : he feels like it 's okay for him to get into the Psalm and put himself in the role of the speaker .

  15. 人们可以从许多伟大的思想家的智慧中得到启示,从古代的奥古斯汀到文艺复兴时期的尼古拉斯以及现代的切尔科加德。

    One sees hints of it in the wisdom of many thinkers , from Augustine in ancient times to Nicholas of Cusa in the Renaissance to Kierkegaard in the modern era .

  16. 上帝对《诗篇》作者说的话,奥古斯汀认为,他是对我奥古斯汀说的,然后奥古斯汀引用《诗篇》里的话回答上帝。

    What God is saying to the psalmist , Augustine says he was saying to me , personally , Augustine , and then Augustine answers back with the words of the Psalm .

  17. 在这章,我列举了一些基督教神父中的关键人物,如奥利金,奥古斯汀,英格兰的圣毕德尊者,中世纪克莱伏的伯纳德,还有托马斯·阿奎奈。

    That 's where I take certain key figures among the church fathers , such as Origen , Augustine , the Venerable Bede in England , Bernard of Clairvaux in the Middle Ages , and Thomas Aquinas .

  18. 奥古斯汀在《上帝之城》中建立起上帝之城/地上之城的二元话语结构,为教权和王权之间的权力制衡奠定了基础。

    The binary discourse structure of the city of God versus the city of citizen Augstine ( created ) in The City of God laid a foundation for the check and balance between religious power and royal power .