
  • 网络Seabiscuit;SEABISCUITS;Sea Biscuit
  1. 很多人想想都会拒绝吃Seabiscuit(电影《奔腾年代》中马的名字&译注)。

    Many balk at the idea of biting into Seabiscuit .

  2. 除了苹果公司,HBO喜剧《硅谷》(SiliconValley)还讲述了一家初创公司的艰辛之路,AMC电视剧《奔腾年代》(HaltandCatchFire)呈现了20世纪80年代蓬勃发展的个人电脑产业。

    Beyond Apple , there 's " Silicon Valley , " the HBO comedy about the travails of a start-up , and " Halt and Catch Fire , " the AMC drama about the brutal personal computer business of the 1980s .

  3. 这可能会让《兄弟》看起来像是在描述一个过去的时代&21世纪初的那个奔腾年代。

    That might make'Brothers'seem like a description of a past era & the go-go years of the early21st century .

  4. 这可能会让《兄弟》看起来像是在描述一个过去的时代——21世纪初的那个奔腾年代。

    That might make ' Brothers ' seem like a description of a past era -- the go-go years of the early 21st century .

  5. 它是《查理三世》、《黑骏马》、《亨利五世》还是《奔腾年代》?你有三秒钟的时间,开始!

    Is it " Richard III , " " Black Beauty , " " Henry V " or " Seabiscuit ? " You got 3 seconds . Go .

  6. 是《古舟子咏》,《白鲸记》,《老人与海》还是《奔腾年代》?

    Is it " The Rime of the Ancient Mariner , " " Moby Dick , " " The Old Man and the Sea , " or Seabiscuit ?