- 网络water loss;transepidermal water loss;TEWL;PAC-LV

Changing other factors only influenced the water loss but constant drying rate .
The flowability of the cement slurry is improved , its water loss and water - liberating rate are reduced .
Gas evolution and cycle life of the VRLA battery
PH value of the system . reaction temperature and time . sulfonation level of the copolymer on apparent viscosity , dynamic shear and water loss of mud has Been studied .
The ABA content was higher and the evaporation capacity was lower in the SDC grafted scion leaves with more ability of resistant to water stress .
The static gel strength develops well , while the transit time from 48 Pa to 240 Pa is less than 20 mini ( 5 ) the API filtration is less .
Evaluation results show that this cement slurry system has low density ( 1 . 2 - . 1 . 6 g / cm3 ), high strength ( over 14 MPa of compression strength in 24 h ), easy control of fluid loss and stable performances .
And at 30 ℃, the thickening time of the cement slurry for long section is conditioned within 90 ~ 120 min and the cement slurry for short section within 50 ~ 60 min , and the filtrate volume below 50 mL.
The fluid loss of the slurry is less than 50 mL , the free water is 0 mL , the density difference is minor , the property is stable , the transit time is short and the anti-channeling ability is strong .
The properties include rheology , stabilization , thicken time , fluid loss of grout and pressure strength of cement etc , and SDJ2 is tested with SDH-2 retarder .
The quality of slurry cake is important for filtration control .
Finally , the water loss volume and concentrating times are discussed .
Optimizing Heating Processing for Decreasing Heating Pipe Net Lose Water
The Water loss is the important character of the slurry when drilling in water-sensitivity soil .
Measure System of Lost Weight of Water in Dry Process of Traditional Chinese Medicine Becoming Pill
For the purpose of water saving and improvement of heating supply the system must be reformed .
Comparisons of the Amount of Lost Water and the Permeability of Shells among Three Species of Snails under High Temperature
The evaluation of drilling fluid property indicates that PX-2 can reduce the viscosity , shear and fluid loss as well .
Study on retard leach resistant of modified fast-grown poplar Changing other factors only influenced the water loss but constant drying rate .
Marathon runners and others who may lose large amounts of water are at risk if they try to rehydrate too quickly .
Water uptake and loss of the flowers at 1st day can be used as a standard for peony cut flower cultivars selecting .
Performance test shows that , this set of drilling fluid has a lower specific gravity and water loss , good shear dilution .
The optimized lightweight cement has good rheological property , low fluid loss , proper thickening time , short transforming time , and higher compressibility .
The density of this system is adjustable between the range of 1 . 40 to 1 . 60 g / cm3 , with low filtration .
During the process of skin browning , both the whole fruit and pericarp lost water continuously . The water loss of whole fruit was mainly resulted from water loss of pericarp .
In this paper , core damage tests were conducted with cement slurries of different filtration control additive doses to study how the filtrate volume affect the core permeability and damage depth into the formation .
Resonance running time , hemoglobin content , transepidermal water loss , sebum content and moisture of skin were changed temporarily after laser irradiation . However , the laser had no effect on melanin content of mouse skin .
This slurry system has good theology , low water loss and no free fluid , right angle thickening , the slurry bond strength developing fast and has the excellent low-temperature early strength performance and achieve the on-site application requirements .
The water loss , residual current , overcharge Ah amount and the capacity change of battery during life cycle were studied in detail . Such research will provide useful information for further improvement of battery life as well as the charger design .
In-house study and field tests show the salt-tolerable cement slurry has the characteristics of low fluid loss , good rheology , ease-adjustable thickening time and high compressive strength etc. Its comprehensive performance can meet the technical requirements for cementing operation through salt zones .