
shī yè jīn tiē
  • unemployment benefits;unemployment pay
  1. 上个月申请失业津贴的人数下降了。

    Applications for unemployment benefits dropped last month .

  2. 总统在发表讲话前说他一直以来都支持发放失业津贴。

    The president prefaced his remarks by saying he has supported unemployment benefits all along .

  3. 就在1911年,LloydGeorge专门为仆人开设法定保险与失业津贴一事引起骚动;

    As for Lloyd George 's 1911 bill to bring in compulsory insurance and unemployment benefits for servants , there was uproar ;

  4. 就在1911年,LloydGeorge专门为仆人开设法定保险与失业津贴一事引起骚动;舆论说这将打破雇主与佣人间微妙的平衡。

    As for Lloyd George 's 1911 bill to bring in compulsory insurance and unemployment benefits for servants , there was uproar ; the delicate balance between employer and servant would be destroyed , it was said .

  5. 失业津贴申请人应填写本表。

    Claimants of unemployment benefit should fill in this form .

  6. 我想申请失业津贴

    I have to apply for Jobseeker 's Allowance ...

  7. 在劳动力市场上,类似的补贴已经以失业津贴的形式存在。

    There , the analogous subsidy already exists in the form of unemployment benefits .

  8. 我没有资格享受失业津贴。

    I am ineligible for unemployment benefit .

  9. 该计划也将延长失业津贴以及减少工资税一年。

    The plan would also extend unemployment benefits and cut payroll taxes for a year .

  10. 想拿到失业津贴就必须参�

    You will attend if you want to proceed with your Jobseeker 's Allowance claim .

  11. 但是接受失业津贴的总人数从634万下降到620万。

    But the total number of people receiving benefits fell from 6.34 million to 6.2 million .

  12. 一方面失业津贴只发放给有工作能力的人

    On the one hand , Jobseeker 's Allowance , only for those able and ready to work .

  13. 如果您被判定具备工作能力您就只能申请失业津贴

    Right , well if you 've been deemed fit for work , your only option is Jobseeker 's Allowance .

  14. 但奥巴马有关延长工资税减免和失业津贴期限的提案,运气可能会好一些。

    Mr Obama may have more luck with his proposals to extend a partial holiday on payroll taxes and prolong unemployment benefits .

  15. 麦凯恩说他将消除失业津贴税,还将让政府采取额外措施以预防银行破产。

    McCain said he would eliminate taxes on unemployment benefits and would have the government take additional steps to protect against bank failures .

  16. 因为福利国家开始提供养老金、全民教育、免费保健以及失业津贴,对慈善团体的需求也就减少了。

    As the welfare state started to provide old-age pensions , universal education , free healthcare and unemployment benefits , there was less need for charity .

  17. 奥总最近和共和党的减税计划包括了一些支持增长的措施-明显增加了失业津贴,和减免工资税。

    President Obama 's recent tax-cut deal with the Republicans included measures to support growth , notably extended unemployment benefits , and the payroll tax cut .

  18. 该法案还包括将额外失业津贴减少至300美元,而民主党希望将津贴维持在600美元的水平。

    The bill also included extra unemployment benefits at a reduced level of 300 dollars , but Democrats wanted to maintain the level at 600 dollars .

  19. 你能给我张失业津贴和就业支持津贴的申诉表格吗

    Well , can you give me a form for ... You know , erm , Jobseeker 's Allowance and then an appeal form Employment and Support ?

  20. 该工作组批准了近3000人的10855份培训课程,并表示,已有1342名前伟成发及其供应商员工不再领取失业津贴,开始了全职工作或培训。

    It has agreed 10855 training courses for nearly 3000 people and says 1342 former SSI and supply chain workers have moved off benefits into full-time work or training .

  21. 我们需要确定仍然徘徊在人行道上找工作的数百万工人不会被拒绝失业津贴,以便支撑他们度过艰难时期。

    We need to make sure that millions of workers who are still pounding the pavement looking for jobs are not denied unemployment benefits to carry them through hard times .

  22. 然后,他应该更进一步,要求延长失业津贴和工资税减免政策的期限、以现行低利率进行新的抵押贷款再融资、以及开展学校整修计划。

    That done , he should go beyond calling for extended unemployment benefits and payroll tax relief , new mortgage refinancings at current low rates , and a programme of school repairs .

  23. 从八月份相当好的销售业绩到失业津贴的需求下降,最新的统计数据无不显示,经济虽然仍旧疲软,但是已经止住了下滑的趋势。

    The latest statistics , from reasonably good retail sales in August to falling claims for unemployment benefits , point to an economy that , though still weak , is not slumping further .

  24. 桑福德认为委员会管理不善(其意思就是该委员会快破产了),他盘算着开除这些委员,除非他们能拿出更令人信服的数据,来说明到底是哪些人在领取失业津贴。

    Mr Sanford , who says the commission is mismanaged ( it is broke ), plans to sack its commissioners unless they provide him with better data on who is collecting unemployment benefits .

  25. 上周至少60万美国人申请失业津贴,失业总人数达到6.5百万,是一年前数字的两倍多。

    More than 600000 Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week , bringing the total number of people on the jobless rolls to 6.5 million , more than double the number that existed a year ago .

  26. 建立大学生失业救助津贴制度的思考

    A Discussion about the Unemployment Security for College Students

  27. 这些福利包括:社会保障金,工人补偿金,失业补偿津贴,保险,以及退休金。

    These include : social security , workers compensation , unemployment compensation , insurance , and retirement benefits .

  28. 最近,我们经常从延长失业补助津贴方面来讨论长时间失业人员的命运,某种程度上是因为与失业长达27周以上的人能就业的微小希望相比,人们更容易认为这是国会的阴谋。

    Lately , we tend to talk the fate of the long-term unemployed in terms of extending their unemployment benefits , partly because the machinations of Congress are easier to discuss than the vague hope that folks who 've been out of work for 27 weeks or more will be able to find jobs .

  29. 今年春天我发现自己依然失业,失业津贴也过期了,再也没有我母亲说的“储备金”了。

    By the spring of this year I found myself unemployed , unemployment benefits expired and no proverbial " nest egg " that my mom often preached to me about .

  30. 分析人士称,相反,本周好于预期的失业数据可能为政府节省失业津贴和其他福利方面的支出。

    Conversely , say analysts , the better-than-expected unemployment data this week may save the government some money on jobseeker 's allowance and other benefits .