
  • 网络unemployment assistance
  1. 美国的失业救助包含两个主要方面,即失业保险和公共救助系统。

    The unemployment assistance of US consists of two aspects : the unemployment insurance and the public assistance system .

  2. 失业救助作为一项解决失业问题的制度,在整个美国社会福利体系中发挥着不可替代的作用。

    The unemployment assistance , as a system for solving the unemployment problems , plays an unique and important role in social welfare system in US .

  3. 失业救助所可以为您在求职方面提供帮助。

    Jobclub can help you with job hunting .

  4. 建立大学生失业救助津贴制度的思考

    A Discussion about the Unemployment Security for College Students

  5. 1949-1952年北京市失业救助论析

    On relief of the unemployed in Beijing during 1949-1952

  6. 这些国会的投机者除了扩大失业救助金,似乎什么也不会做。

    The lame-duck Congress looks set to deliver nothing more than an extension of unemployment benefits .

  7. 公益性岗位在失业救助政策中的作用分析&以资源枯竭型城市阜新为例

    Analysis on the function of public welfare position in unemployment salvation policy & taking resource-exhausted city Fuxin as example

  8. 为此,地方政府应该在职业培训、宣传推广、失业救助、社会交往、行业管理几方面有所作为;

    To overcome the labor shortage , the local governments have to play an active role in occupation training , education , unemployment aids , social interaction , industry supervision .

  9. 对此,以资源枯竭型城市阜新为例,论述了公益性岗位就业模式的特点,对其在失业救助中的积极作用进行了分析和评估,同时也指出了公益性岗位就业模式的缺憾和不足。

    Aiming at this , taking resource-exhausted city Fuxin as example , discusses the characteristics of public welfare position employment mode , analyzes and evaluates its active function on unemployment salvation , points out the disadvantages and shortcomings of public welfare position employment mode .

  10. 再次,探讨了针对处理大学毕业生失业问题的救助措施,主要是从政府措施、学校措施、社会网络以及失业的大学毕业生自身来思考和探讨的。

    Once again discussed the problem of unemployment for university graduates deal with the relief measures , mainly from government initiatives , the schools , social networks , and the unemployed graduates to think and explore their own .

  11. 农村福利制度的主要内容应包括:农民家庭最低收入保障机制、农村未成年人教育福利、农村老年人和残疾人福利、农村失业及贫困救助福利、农村公益事业财政补贴制度、农民医疗保障制度等。

    The rural welfare system mainly includes income security system for farmers , educational welfare for rural youngster , welfare for rural senior and deformity , welfare for rural unemployment and poor family , medical welfare for rural residents , fiscal subsidy for rural infrastructure as well .

  12. 第四章是对失业的大学毕业生救助措施的探讨。

    The fourth chapter is on unemployment relief measures of university graduates .

  13. 弱势群体中下岗失业人员的心理救助问题研究

    A Study on Psychological Assistance for the Laid-Off Workers Among the Vulnerable Groups

  14. 美国社会的失业问题及相关救助制度

    Unemployment and Assistance for Unemployment in US

  15. 紧急事故救援中心,有什么需要帮助的吗?弱势群体中下岗失业人员的心理救助问题研究

    Emergency Assistance , may I help you ? A Study on Psychological Assistance for the Laid-Off Workers Among the Vulnerable Groups

  16. 在分析两种政策的基础上,得出了失业保险、失业救助并不适合失业的大学毕业生的结论。

    In the analysis , based on two policies obtained unemployment insurance , unemployment assistance is not suitable for unemployed university graduates conclusions .

  17. 在各国社会保障制度内容的比较中,重点就各国的养老保险、失业保险和社会救助三项内容进行了详细比较和总结;

    In the comparison of contents of different social security system , it places emphasis upon the countries ' pension , unemployment insurance and social relief .

  18. 另一方面,目的在于快速起作用的这一法案对贫困和失业者的医疗救助是不系统及暂时性的,而不是作为奥巴马更大范围雄心勃勃计划的开端。

    On the other hand , its health-care assistance to the poor and unemployed are piecemeal and temporary , designed for quick impact , not as a down-payment on Mr Obama 's more sweeping ambitions .

  19. 作者对大学生失业保险制度与失业救助制度的设计要点进行说明。

    The unemployment insurance system and the unemployment assistance system design description .

  20. 首先,指出了当前我国针对失业的两种保障政策,失业保险和失业救助。

    First of all , pointed out the two types of security policies for the unemployed , unemployment insurance and unemployment assistance .

  21. 然后通过对建立大学生失业保险制度的现实困难之判断和大学生失业救助制度设计与实施的可行性分析,认为在当前阶段,建立大学生失业保险制度并非明智之举;

    Then by compared the unemployment insurance system and unemployment social salvation system , points out that now establishing the graduates unemployment insurance system is not advisable ;

  22. 为此,笔者提出我国规避失业风险,必须采取建立完善的失业保障和社会救助体系,健全失业风险的监测预警和规避化解机制等五项应对策略和措施。

    For this reason , the article proposes that in order to evade the unemployment risk , we must set up perfect unemployment ensurance and help system , perfect the monitoring prewarning of the unemployment risk and evading system .

  23. 大量失业会导致社会保险缴费人数和缴费金额减少、失业保险及社会救助的支出骤增等等,严重影响到了社会保障基金的正常运营。

    Mass unemployment will lead to a decrease of social security payment and also a sharp increase of spending on unemployment insurance and social assistance , which have a severe impact on the normal running of social security funds .