
  • 网络Space orbit;Space track
  1. 比如所谓的“立方体卫星”(CubeSat)只有一个甜瓜那么大,花上不到10万美元的成本,就能将它送到太空轨道上。

    The CubeSat , which is about the size of a cantaloupe , can be placed into orbit for less than $ 100000 .

  2. 鲍勃比奇洛目前正在太空轨道上检测一个这样的装置。

    Bob Bigelow currently has a test article in the orbit .

  3. 以下是对未来几年内可能进入太空轨道的设备的预览。

    Here 's a preview of what may be in orbit in the coming years .

  4. 朝鲜说,四月的发射是将一枚卫星送入太空轨道。

    North Korea said the April launch was aimed at placing a satellite into orbit .

  5. 太空轨道加油站。

    a gas station on orbit .

  6. 问:太空轨道站也会是设法与地球大气层以外的信息进行通讯的理想场所吗?

    Q Would orbital stations be choice places from which to try to communicate with extraterrestrial intelligences ?

  7. 提醒读者一下,格伦是第一位在太空轨道环行的美国宇航员。

    Glenn , lest the reader has forgotten , was the first American astronaut to orbit in space .

  8. 其中一些实验将重点研究在太空轨道上运行将会如何给人体和植物生长带来影响。

    Some of the experiments focus on studying how orbiting in space can affect the human body and plant growth .

  9. 这种穿梭机原本应是可以反复使用的运输工具,从事将人员送到太空轨道平常位置。

    The shuttle was supposed to be a reusable truck that would make the business of putting people into orbit quotidian .

  10. 在太空轨道上停留340天后,美国宇航员凯利和俄罗斯宇航员科尔尼延科安全返回地球。

    After 340 days in orbit , American astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko have returned safely to Earth .

  11. 此前,朝鲜宣布计划于12月10日至22日之间向太空轨道发射一枚三级火箭。

    North Korea announced plans to launch a three-stage rocket between December 10th and the 22nd to put a satellite into orbit .

  12. 太空轨道上碎片过多可能让人类无法发射新的卫星,而卫星已成为地球上人类生活不可或缺的部分。

    Too much debris in orbit would make it impossible to launch the satellites that have become an indispensable part of life back on Earth .

  13. 但仅仅让发射成本减半,就会带动发射服务的需求大幅增长,从而使太空轨道迎来大批新成员。

    But merely halving the cost of launch could stoke increased demand for launch services and bring a flood of new entrants into the orbital domain .

  14. 我刚才描述的太空轨道加油站能够创建一种全新的工业而且提供一把开启全面探索太空之门的钥匙。

    The orbital refueling stations I 've just described could create an entirely new industry and provide the final key for opening space to the general exploration .

  15. 毕竟,中国或许已经将宇航员送入太空轨道并让他们安全返回,但中国还没有制造出一架在商业上可行的中型支线飞机。

    After all , China may have sent astronauts into orbit and brought them back safely , but the country has yet to produce its first commercially viable medium-sized regional jet .

  16. 尽管落后于俄罗斯和美国几十年,中国现在已将宇航员送入太空轨道,并制定了雄心勃勃的计划进入太空探索的新时代,甚至要在其中发挥领导作用。

    Although decades behind Russia and the United States , China has now put astronauts in orbit and has ambitious plans to join - or even lead - a new age of space exploration .

  17. 航空航天局星期天说,奋进号航天飞机防护隔热瓦上的裂缝深度超过早先的估计,因此可能需要宇航员在航天飞机仍然在太空轨道上飞行时修补损伤。

    The space agency said Sunday a gouge in the heat shield protecting the shuttle is deeper than expected , raising the possibility that astronauts may try to repair the damage while still in orbit .

  18. 在未来的计划中,这些遗体不是“停留在太空轨道上”,而是要保存在安全的太空舱中,但进一步的详细计划目前还没有出台。

    Under the futuristic plans these frozen bodies will not " just be hanging around in orbit " but kept in secure pods , but detailed plans are going no further than that at present .

  19. 随着空间技术的发展,天文观测开始由地面观测逐步转向空间观测,天文观测的成像终端设备&CCD相机已进入了太空轨道。

    With the development of space technology , the astronomical observation has been gradually extended from ground observation to space observation . Concurrently , the CCD camera , an astronomical observation imaging end instrument , has already entered the outer space orbit .

  20. 厄普丘奇表示,太空亚轨道飞行的高昂票价将慢慢下降,就如同1914年那次首飞后的民航票价一样。

    Eventually , the costly price of a suborbital ticket into space will decrease , just like commercial airfare did after the first trip in 1914 , he said .

  21. 助推火箭把太空站推入轨道后,就自行脱落返回地球。

    When the boosters have helped to lift a space station into orbit , they separate from it and return to the earth .

  22. NASA说,还有另外四起外太空物体在轨道意外相撞的先例。

    Therehave been four other cases in which space objects have collidedaccidentally in orbit , NASA said .

  23. 本文首先说明太空任务与轨道设计的关系,接着介绍轨道的基本性质。

    In this paper we first describe the relations between space mission and orbit design , and then introduce the basic properties of the orbit .

  24. NASA后续的载人探索策略,将重点放在太空梭任务和轨道太空站,不仅不具启发性,而且有致命的瑕疵。

    NASA 's subsequent strategy for human exploration , focused on space shuttle missions and orbital space stations , turned out to be uninspiring and tragically flawed .

  25. 在太空舱运行的轨道上我们观看到了一年中的所有季节。

    From orbit we observed all the seasons of the year .

  26. 根据设计,太空站要在轨道上停留多年。

    Space stations are designed to remain in orbit for years .

  27. 此太空船沿地球轨道运行。

    It 's being built in orbit around the earth .

  28. 一个物体在太空中保持其轨道的,因为重力采取实际行动。

    These masses are obtained by applying the laws of gravity to the measured characteristics of the orbit .

  29. 哈勃太空望远镜在地球轨道上绕行二十多年后,目前还是持续地发现了珍贵的信息。

    The Hubble Space Telescope continues to make discoveries after more than twenty years in orbit around Earth .

  30. 从1974年至1982年,另外五座礼炮太空站成功进入轨道,两座配备军事侦查。

    From 1974 to 1982 five more Salyut stations-two outfitted for military reconnaissance-were successfully placed in orbit and occupied .