
  • 网络solar thermal energy;CSP
  1. 低温太阳热能与化学链燃烧相结合控制CO2分离动力系统

    A power generation system with inherent co_2 recovery combining chemical-looping combustion with low-temperature solar thermal energy

  2. 本文探索并提出控制CO2分离的低温太阳热能与清洁合成燃料甲醇-三氧化二铁化学链燃烧相结合的新颖能源动力系统。

    This paper proposed a novel energy system with inherent CO2 separation using methanol-chemical looping combustion ( CLC ) by low-grade solar thermal energy .

  3. 借鉴了以前的研究,Luz国际开始与80年代中期时在加州Mojave沙漠建造一系列的太阳热能电厂。

    Drawing on prior research , Luz began building a series of solar-thermal power stations in California 's Mojave desert in the mid-1980s .

  4. Brightsource是一家前景广阔的初创公司,在美国莫哈韦沙漠建立了一个庞大的太阳热能发电厂,如今却也不得不推迟首次公开募股。

    BrightSource , the promising startup building a massive solar thermal plant in the Mojave Desert , delayed its IPO .

  5. 人还没有学会贮藏太阳热能。

    Man has not yet learned to store the sun 's heat .

  6. 无机易熔混合物在太阳热能中的储存研究

    Storage of inorganic eutectic mixture in solar heat storage

  7. 温室地下蓄集太阳热能的效果研究

    Study on the Effect of Storing the Solar Heat Energy under the Ground of Greenhouse

  8. 尽管太阳热能不会排放二氧化碳,但它对环境也会造成一些负面影响。

    Although solar-thermal power produces no carbon-dioxide emissions , it can have some negative environmental impacts .

  9. 到20世纪初期时,几位科学家制造了简易的机器,这些机器可以靠集中起来的太阳热能来运行。

    By the early20th century several scientists had built simple machines that could run on concentrated heat from the sun .

  10. 另外一些与槽型体系同时研发的太阳热能系统在过去从没实现商业化,但不久也会得到部署。

    And other competing solar-thermal technologies that were developed in parallel with trough-based systems , but never commercialised , are also ready to be deployed .

  11. 但是它们并没有利用所有的太阳热能,因此在能量到达电池前浪费了大部分的太阳能。

    But they don 't take advantage of all that solar heat , thereby missing out on the majority of the solar energy reaching the cell .

  12. 实则不然,因为受人质疑的太阳热能(或者说冷能)一直在重新分布,而不是保持不变的。

    In itself , it does not , for the heat ( or , rather , the cold ) in question is being redistributed , not retained .

  13. 太阳热能可以被吸收来加热液体然后就可以加热建筑物里的水。但是那些装置不产生电能。

    The sun 's heat can be captured to warm up liquid that can then warm a building 's water , but those devices don 't generate electricity .

  14. 同时,也可以采取其他方式来建造混合装置体系:用太阳热能收集器中得到的蒸汽来推动煤厂或是天然气厂现有的涡轮机进行发电。

    Hybridisation could also be done the other way around , by using steam generated from solar-thermal collectors to help drive the turbines at existing coal or gas plants .

  15. 研究成果将为低温太阳热能与化学链燃烧整合能量释放新机理的研究提供理论依据和基础实验数据。

    The promising results obtained here will provide the useful theory and experimental data for the energy conversion principle of the energy system integrating methanol-chemical looping combustion and low-temperature solar thermal energy .

  16. 太阳热能温度的升高,有利于分解反应的进行,但温度过高会负面影响品位提升的效果,260℃左右是较合理的;

    It is found that the higher temperature of the solar thermal energy favors decomposition of methanol , but over high temperature baffles upgrading solar energy , and the feasible temperature is about 260 ℃ .

  17. 在有效寿命期之内,现代核电厂的单位能源成本是太阳能电池板成本的四分之一,是太阳热能的40%,而后两种能源被视为无碳发电增长的主要推动力。

    Across their useful lifetime , the costs per unit of energy for modern nuclear plants are a quarter the cost of solar panels and 40 per cent that of solar thermal energy , which are seen driving most carbon-free power growth .

  18. 本文介绍了朗肯循环低温热能发电技术的现状和发展前景,这种发电技术主要用于利用和回收品味相对较低的热能,如太阳热能、工业废热、地热、海洋温差能等;

    In this paper , the development of power generation using low temperature heat is introduced . This technology is mainly applied in solar thermal system , industrial waste heat recovery system , geothermal power system , ocean thermal energy conversion system , and etc.

  19. 太阳的热能将陆龟的卵孵出小龟。

    The heat of the sun hatches turtles ' eggs .

  20. 大家相信太阳的热能是从其内部不断产生核能反应得来的。

    It is believed that the sun gets its energy from thermonuclear reactions constantly taking place within it .

  21. 集中太阳能发电装置集中用太阳的热能,来驱动发电机或热力引擎。

    Concentrating solar power devices focus or concentrate the thermal energy of the sun to drive a generator or heat engine .

  22. 本文创新性地提出了水面低功耗无线传感器节点利用太阳辐射热能实现自供电的方法,研制了相应的发电装置。

    This paper innovatively proposes a method of the water surface low-power wireless sensor nodes self-powering from solar radiation and develops a thermoelectric generator device .

  23. 建筑位置、朝向是接受太阳辐射热能的关系及高层围护结构墙体的保温、隔热存在的问题及今后发展方向。

    Building location , direction are related with the sun 's radiant heat and high enclosure wall insulation , insulation problems and future development direction .

  24. 太阳发出的热能搅动大气,于是产生了风。

    Heat from the sun stirs up the atmosphere , generating winds .

  25. 但太空望远镜的红外传感器能够探测它们从太阳吸收的热能。

    But infrared sensors on a space-based telescope could detect the heat they have absorbed from the sun .

  26. 夏天很热的时候,把它放在窗外吸收太阳产生的热能,也可以发电。

    In hot summer time , putting it in the window absorbing heat of the sun , it can also generate electricity .

  27. “反射比每增加1%,就相当于每平方米内少吸收太阳10瓦的热能。所以基本上,这种涂料可以提供18千瓦的降温效果。这很厉害。比普通空调在同等大小的房屋中功效还要强。”

    Every one per cent of reflectance you get will translate to ten watts1 per metre squared less heating from the Sun . So , basically , it provides cooling of 18 kilowatts2 . That 's really a big deal . That 's more than a typical air conditioner does for a house with the same kind of space .

  28. 太阳的光能和热能是由于氢原子在极高的温度和压力下发生核聚变的缘故。

    The heat and light energy from the Sun is due to the fusion of hydrogen atoms at a very high temperature and pressure .