
  • 网络tete
  1. 两家印度大型煤炭集团金达莱(jindal)和印度煤炭(coalindia)均拥有在太特的特许开采权。

    Two large Indian coal groups Jindal and Coal India both have concessions in Tete .

  2. 萨利莫的酒吧位于拥挤不堪、尘土漫天的太特市中心附近,周末会营业到凌晨五、六点。

    At weekends Mario 's Bar , near the clogged and dusty centre of Tete , is open until five or six o'clock in the morning .

  3. 方法用拉司太特50mg/m2d1-14口服为主,组成CHEP、CE和ED方案,治疗晚期恶性肿瘤27例。

    Methods Given Lastet Cap . 50mg / m2 14 days to formulate CHEP , CE and ED regimens , used these regimens to treat 27 cases of advanced malignant tumours .

  4. 太特曾经是一座没有指望的城市。

    It was a city without expectations .

  5. 拉司太特为主的联合化疗治疗晚期恶性肿瘤137例

    Oral etoposide ( lastet ) in treatment of 137 cases of advanced malignant tumours by combined chemotherapy

  6. 方法采用拉司太特单药治疗晚期恶性肿瘤23例,可评价20例。

    Methods 20 cases of advanced malignant tumours were treated with oral lastet capsula 50mg / m 2 14 days .

  7. 不过他们说不准就顺手把骑士也碾压了,这完全有可能,毕竟这球队太特么变态了。

    Or maybe they 'll just roll through the Cavs , too . That 's entirely possible ; this team is insanely good .

  8. 有时候你觉得你自己很不幸运,但是如果你看到整个画面就你就发现你真是太特么幸运了。

    Sometimes you think you are so unlucky , but actually you will realize that you are damn lucky if you see the whole picture .

  9. 太特已成为赞比西河上的一个贸易支柱,酒吧不是这座莫桑比克偏远城镇唯一兴旺的事物。

    And the bar is not the only thing booming in this remote Mozambican town , which grew up as a trading post on the Zambezi river .

  10. 印度运营商今年恢复了从贝拉港到莫太兹(位于太特以北30英里)的铁路运营。

    A railway that runs from the port of Beira to moatize , 30 miles north of Tete , was brought back into operation this year by Indian operators .

  11. 他指出,在楠普拉省、尼亚萨省、太特省和赞比西亚省,烟草作物是许多家庭的主要生计。

    He pointed out that the tobacco crop is the main livelihood for a large number of families in the provinces of Nampula , Niassa , Tete and Zambezia .

  12. 这个三人代表团由里贝罗率领,将访问卡布拉?巴萨水坝所在的太特省,以及赞比西省。

    The three-man delegation , which was led by Ferro Ribeiro , visited the provinces of Tete , where the Cahora Bassa dam is located , and Zamb é zia .

  13. 太特有数十亿吨热能煤(用于电厂)和更硬、更昂贵的焦煤可以与铁矿石混合起来炼钢。

    Tete has billions of tons of both thermal coal used in power plants and harder , more expensive coking coal , which is mixed with iron ore to make steel .

  14. 上世纪50年代修建的从煤田通往太特的桥梁,似乎永远处于失修的状态,等候过桥的卡车排成了长队。

    The 1950s suspension bridge , linking the coal fields to the city itself , seems to be in a permanent state of disrepair , with queues of trucks waiting to cross .

  15. 太特地下就是全球最大的优质煤炭储藏之一,投资正蜂拥而至&巴西人、澳大利亚人、印度人和其它感兴趣的各方纷纷向采矿项目投入了大量资金。

    Tete sits directly above one of the world 's largest reserves of high-quality coal , and investment is pouring in , with Brazilian , Australian , Indian and other interests committing hundreds of millions of dollars to mining projects .

  16. 规划中巨型露天煤矿中的煤炭尚未开采,但外国技术员、工程师和地质学家,以及邻近农业省份的民工们,已经开始在太特安家。

    No coal has yet been mined at the huge open pits that are planned , but foreign technicians , engineers and geologists , along with migrant workers from neighbouring rural provinces , have begun to make their homes in Tete .

  17. 特别是在餐馆里面,所有本地人交谈的时候都很温柔礼貌,但是有一群人是这样讲话的:“哦!!我的天!!这太好吃了!!哇啊啊啊啊!!!!太特么美味了!!!”

    Especially in restaurants , where all the locals speak softly and politely to each other , and a group of people is like " OH MY GAWD , THIS FOOD IS SO GOOD , BWAHAHAHA , THAT 'S THE SH * T DUDE ! "