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tài bǎo
  • Tai Bao;Grand Guardian ;young delinquent
太保 [tài bǎo]
  • (1) [Assistant Grand Tutor;Grand Tutor to crownprince]∶古三公之一,位次太傅。亦指太子太保,为辅导太子之官

  • (2) [temple curate;medium]∶宋、元时对庙祝、巫师的称呼

  • (3) [heroes of the greenwood;brigands]∶对绿林好汉的尊称

  • (4) [servant]∶对仆役的尊称

  • (5) [juvenile delinquent]∶男流氓

  1. 自由主义者说这家报纸太保守了。

    Liberals say the paper is too right-wing .

  2. 大家都越来越清楚部长太保守、心胸太狭窄。

    It grew ever more clear to everyone that the Minister was too reactionary , too blinkered

  3. 上月底,当中国太保(ChinaPacificInsurance)股价跌破去年12月的发行价时,另一个令人担忧的趋势出现了。

    Another worrying trend emerged late last month when shares in China Pacific Insurance dropped below the price at which they were offered to the public in December .

  4. 你可以随便做你想做的,没有XP的盖世太保来敲你的门。

    You can do whatever you want , and no XP Gestapo is going to kick in your door .

  5. 本文利用SWOT分析法结合前面的分析得到新竞争环境下太保的竞争优势(核心竞争力),并对公司的业务层战略、公司层战略、国际化战略、并购与重组和合作战略进行了深入分析。

    Using SWOT model , we will analyze profoundly the core competition of CPIC and the strategy of operation layer , the strategy of company , the internationalization strategy , merging and recombining , cooperation strategy .

  6. 抑太保处理后5h,2、3、4龄幼虫过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力均降至最低,分别为对照的71.9%、80.9%和90.2%;

    Five hours after chlorfluazuron treatment , the activities of CAT in the larvae of three instars all decreased sharply , which were 71.9 % , 80.9 % and 90.2 % of the control respectively .

  7. 德国电信一名董事表示:我们想回到希特勒统治下的盖世太保岁月,或前东德的史塔西(Stasi,即秘密警察译者注)时代吗?

    A Deutsche Telekom director says : Do we want to go back to the days of the Gestapo under Hitler or the Stasi in the DDR ?

  8. 盖世太保很快就会来敲门。

    Soon the gestapo 's knocking on the door for real .

  9. 而盖世太保喜欢收集所有的旧的文件。

    And the Gestapo likes to collect all kinds of odd documents .

  10. 3000扎罗特,否则我们把你介绍给盖世太保。

    3000 zlotys or we introduce you to the gestapo .

  11. 一些年轻的女权主义者们谴责她太保守了。

    Some younger members of the movement denounced her as too conservative .

  12. 盖世太保有理由相信此事吗?

    And the Gestapo has only " reason to believe "?

  13. 她太保守无法跟上时代。

    She is too co ervative to keep up with the times .

  14. 在米兰火车站的月台上,她被两个盖世太保密探抓住了。

    She was seized on a Milan station platform by two Gestapo agents .

  15. 他从不成气候的小太保慢慢混到黑手党的头儿

    He go from is a small - time hood to a mafia kingpin

  16. 我知道那些令人畏惧的盖世太保并非真的很能干。

    The feared Gestapo , I knew , was really not very efficient .

  17. 是太保守还是太自由?

    Is it like too Republican or too Democrat ?

  18. 当克鲁斯把他的报告发给盖世太保时。

    When Kruse sends his report to the gestapo .

  19. 你难道要放弃这一切,去追小太保吗?

    Why you want to throw it all away to chase youth offenders ?

  20. 太保产险是太保集团旗下市场规模位居全国第二的财产险公司。

    CPIC property is the second largest property insurance company in china market .

  21. 竞争市场中的生存和发展&浅析上海太保的竞争战略

    Survival and Development of Competitive Market & Competitive Strategy Analysis of CPIC Shanghai

  22. 不料盖世太保反而把拉伯拘捕。

    Instead , Rabe was arrested by the Gestapo .

  23. 这次行动被德国秘密警察盖士太保侦破了。

    The operation was infiltrated by the Gestapo , the German secret police .

  24. 话是没错,但她太保守了

    Sure , but she 's so old guard .

  25. 密告者说盖世太保不满意仅用酷刑来榨取信息。

    The informant said the Gestapo wasn 't satisfied with extracting information by torture .

  26. 但婚后不久,拉兹洛就被盖世太保抓走了。

    Shortly after their marriage , Laszlo was apprehended by Gestapo [ 4 ] .

  27. 不幸的是,盖世太保对你的口碑很高,舒尔德。

    It 's unfortunate you 're rated so highly by the gestapo , schroeder .

  28. 其他共和党竞选人都太保守了。

    Most of the rest are too conservative .

  29. 咖啡馆只有在圣地亚哥才能经营,因为这里太保守了。

    Coffee bars will only work in Santiago , because Chileans are so uptight .

  30. 他的思想太保守了。

    He 's too conservative in his thinking .