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  • 网络too often
太常 [tài cháng]
  • [an offical who controls ritual,god of land and god of grains] 官名,掌礼乐郊庙社稷事宜

  • 献之太常。--明. 刘基《郁离子.千里马篇》

  1. 太常下雨便会有山崩的问题。

    Landslides are a common problem when it rains too often .

  2. 太常对朋友开玩笑也许会造成麻烦。

    Pulling a friend 's leg too often may get you in trouble .

  3. 还有一些不太常有的设施,包括图书馆和健身房。

    Other amenities , less commonly available , include a library and exercise room

  4. 太常让皇家的乐工检验,乐工却不屑一顾,说:“不古。”把琴还给了他。

    He only said " Not ancient ! " and returned the instrument .

  5. 那家伙就是太常在楼上了。

    Yeah , the man is just up there too much .

  6. 你和卡珊卓太常在一起了。

    You 've been spending too much time with cassandra .

  7. 我知道,太常是明白人。

    I always knew that the minister was a man of wisdom .

  8. 如果你太常去找她,她会觉得烦腻。

    If you visit her too often , she thinks it is boring .

  9. 太常卿是怎么了?

    Is the Minister not feeling well ?

  10. 丈夫:来吧,今天一起出门走走,我们太常留在家里了。

    Husband : Come on , let 's go out today . We 're always stuck at home .

  11. 农村寄宿制学校存在问题的探讨&以怀化沅陵县太常乡为例

    On Problems of Boarding Schools in the Rural Areas & Take Taichang Town , Yuanling County , Huaihua City as an Example

  12. 研究发现,那些太常盯住屏幕的人比其他同龄人更有可能做出危险行为。

    Research revealed those who are regularly glued to their screens are far more likely to engage in risky behaviour than their peers .

  13. 清道光二十年(1840),内召为太常寺卿,入京供职。

    20 year such as light ( 1840 ), call together , for temple minister often too , enter Beijing hold office inside .

  14. 我不太常见到双胞胎的另一位达里奥,尽管他花很多时间和苏菲共处。

    I don 't very often see Dario , the other twin , though he does spend a lot of his time with Sofie .

  15. 纳达尔在赛场上像一头愤怒的公牛,在场下却是个羞涩的邻家男孩。这判若两人的表现让不太常常用到他的人们有些惊讶。

    The contrast between the raging bull that is Nadal on court and the almost sheepish boy next door still surprises those who do not follow Nadal regularly .

  16. 韦斯特来自嘻哈音乐世界,他们太常使用这个字眼来指女人了,以至于它已经失去了原本的贬义。

    Mr. West comes from the world of hip-hop , where use of that term to refer to women can be so pervasive as to dull its pejorative meaning .

  17. 番户的地位和太常音声人基本相同,但必须当色为婚,他们以番上的方式到太常寺服役。

    Fanhu and Yinsheng people in Taichang temple have the same social position , but Fanhu must marry the same people , they serve in Taichang Temple by turns .

  18. 我偶尔会听听广播,看看有什么新歌推出,不过我不太常听到自己喜欢的歌曲。

    Once in a while , I 'll listen to the radio to see what they are putting out , but it 's not too often I hear something I like .

  19. 太常&封建社会中掌管礼乐的行政机关,不仅是历史学界研究官僚制度所关注的对象,而且是音乐学界所关注的焦点之一。

    Chamberlain for Ceremonials , a administrative department regulated ritual music in the feudal society , was not only object of researchers to study bureaucratic system in the field of history , but also was focus of music scholars to concern .

  20. 我承认稍稍冰镇一下,白葡萄酒的口感会更好,但喝的时候过凉是太常有的事,这样既降低了酒香,又破坏了酒味,而且有时反而凸显了各种不好的味道。

    O.K. , I admit white wine can improve with a little chilling , but too often it is served far too cold , neutralizing the nose , killing the taste and , in some cases , accentuating all sorts of nasties .

  21. 发型是叶太最常被讽刺漫画讽刺的对象。

    It is Ip 's hair that is most frequently caricatured .

  22. 瓶子对你太冷淡,常想与你分开。

    The Water-bearer is far too cool and detached for you .

  23. 笔拿得太紧、太久,常引起书写疼痛症。

    Holding your pencil too tightly for too long often gives you writer 's cramp .

  24. 我们的干部对生产的事情了解太少,常从主观的愿望去决定问题。

    Our cadres know too little about production matters and often make decisions according to their wishful thinking .

  25. 牛扒太贵,不能常吃。

    Steak costs too much to have very often .

  26. 你们两个我都爱你们之间的感应太奇妙了我们常笑下一个问题

    You know , I love you both individually , the dynamic between you two is fantastic.We laugh a lot.Next question .

  27. 肥胖现象相当普遍,有可能是因为人们吃得太多,又常坐在椅子上不起来活动,但还有可能是因为人们很少真正置身漆黑的夜晚。

    Obesity is an epidemic . Maybe its because we eat too much and spend too much time in our seats . But another factor could be that these days were never really in the dark .

  28. 日志记录/跟踪太多或对日志消息的过滤太少,这常会带来超负荷的日志信息。

    Too much log / trace or too little filtering of log messages causes information overload in the logs .