
  1. 星期天老不开门真是荒唐!

    What rot that it is not open on sundays !

  2. 天老是下雨,但总的来说,这次旅行十分愉快。

    It rained a lot , but altogether it was a good trip .

  3. 直到有一天老锣和他的音乐走进了她的生活,也为她的苦苦挣扎画上句号。

    Her struggles ended when Lao Luo and his music entered her life .

  4. 我们会像普通人那样一天老一天。

    We 'll only age one day at a time . Like normal people ,

  5. 如果,有一天老了相遇,将会有另一番滋味在心头。

    If , one day old , met , there will be another round of feeling in their hearts .

  6. 有一天老刷希巴说,万能的鲍伯命令他,刷希巴,头一个吃三明治。

    One day Old Thrashbarg said that Almighty Bob had decreed that he , Thrashbarg , was to have first pick of the sandwiches .

  7. 这是此刻我心底最大的渴望,一年又一年,我想我要在这个不喜欢的地方,呆到哪天老了接到退休书的那一刻。

    This is my desire now and I reckon that I will have to stay here year by year until the moment when I receive the retire notice .