
tiān lǐ rén yù
  • the principle of nature and human desires
天理人欲[tiān lǐ rén yù]
  1. 张载提出气本体论,并分别天地之性和气质之性,将天理人欲之辨植入新儒教哲学系统。

    Zhang Zai , a great ideologist in North Song dynasty , put forward an ontology of Qi and inserted the discernment of natural truth and human desire into Neo-Confucian religious philosophy .

  2. 他以天命之性与气质之性、道心与人心、天理与人欲解释人的本性、人的思想意识、人的行为,提出一套系统的封建社会伦理道德思想。

    He also explained human nature , thought and behavior and put forward a complete set of feudal moral thought .

  3. 人心是孔道,道心或天理与人欲之实现必须以人心为基础。最后,本文提出道心为主,人心听命这一义理模式,指出此模式之文献依据、义理依据。

    The human mind is the basis , and the realization of heavenly principle and the selfish desire must fulfil on the human mind .

  4. 重新审视天理和人欲的关系,对其进行历史的、客观的考察和现代性的解读,对于今天我们开启道德源泉,构建和谐社会,将会有所裨益。

    To closely examine the relation between " Justice of Nature " and " Human Desire ", and understand this relation by means of historical and objective perspective will be beneficial to open up the fountain of morality and the construction of harmonious society .

  5. 朱熹存天理、灭人欲的当代解读与启示朱熹关于存天理、灭人欲的理论思考&对义利关系的深刻认识

    A Profound Understanding of Relationship between Righteousness and Interest - Zhu Xi 's Reflections on " Cherish Heaven Laws , Deny Human Desires "

  6. 天理为善而人欲为恶,这是朱熹天理观的道德价值论的基本理论表达。

    The heavenly principle is good and its opposite , the human desires are evil , this is the basic theoretical expression of Zhu xi 's thought of heavenly principle on its theory of moral values .

  7. 朱熹是中国古代史上著名的思想家、哲学家和教育家,也是宋明理学的集大成者,他的理学思想集中体现在“存天理,灭人欲”的系统论述上。

    As the famous ideologist , philosopher , educationist and the master Of ethics studying in Song and Ming Dynasty in the ancient history Of China , Zhu Xi 's ethics thinking is focused On the system explication about ;

  8. 过去在一段较长的时期内,人们对朱熹“存天理,灭人欲”思想的片面批判,给中国哲学史界造成了一定的混乱。

    It is the unilateral repudiation on Zhu Xi 's thinking about " making the course of nature existent and the desire of human extinct " in a long period that has made some confusion in the philosophy history circle of China .