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  • 网络Tianjin Haihe;Haihe River
  1. 它位于中国天津海河的一座桥上。

    It lies on a bridge over the Haihe River in Tianjin , China .

  2. 有河流就会有桥梁,天津海河上的桥梁也据有悠久的历史。

    The bridges on the Haihe River have long history as well .

  3. 天津海河大桥主塔冬季施工

    Winter Construction Technique for the Main Pylon of Haihe Bridge in Tianjin

  4. 天津海河闸数字水文站的设计及其应用

    Design and Application of Digital Hydrological Station on Tianjin Haihe River Sluice

  5. 天津海河开启桥船舶通航调度方案研究

    Research on navigation control in the waterway of Haihe bridge

  6. 天津海河隐伏断裂的晚第四纪活动特征研究

    Characteristics of Late Quaternary activity of the Haihe buried fault in Tianjin Municipality

  7. 天津海河综合开发工程桥梁建设梗概

    Synopsis of Bridge Construction of Haihe River Comprehensive Development Project in Tianjin City

  8. 天津海河开发带燃气区域空调应用的可行性

    Feasibility of Application of Regional Gas-fired Air Conditioner in Tianjin Haihe Development Area

  9. 天津海河流域为重度污染。

    Tianjin 's Haihe River was heavily polluted .

  10. 天津海河蚌埠桥铝合金桥面板静力承载性能试验研究

    Testing Research on Static Bearing Performance of Aluminum Alloy Bridge Deck of Tianjin Haihe Bengbu Bridge

  11. 深层水泥搅拌墙在天津海河花园广场高层住宅楼基坑支护中的应用

    Application of the Deep Agitating Cement soil Walls as Bracing Structure for A Foundation Pit of High rise Buildings at the Haihe Garden Square

  12. 阐述了天津海河流域3维可视化应用系统的建设背景、系统设计及使用的关键技术。

    This paper introduces the 3-Dimension Synthetic Inquiry System of HaiHe-River drainage area ( HH-VRGIS ) detailedly , including the system background , framework design and the key technology .

  13. 本文通过对天津海河沿岸滨水景观设计实例的分析,提出目前滨水景观设计中存在的问题,并针对问题进行探讨。

    This text through analysing the example of the tianjin haihe waterfront landscape design , raises now the existing problems of the waterfront landscape design , and gives the discussion according to problems .

  14. 本文介绍了天津海河综合开发改造古文化街节点沿海河建筑立面方案的设计思路。

    The article introduces the design ideas of the Classical Chinese Culture Street constructs along Haihe stands the surface plan that is one of Tianjin Haihe rehabilitation and development project pitch point designs .

  15. 大运河在天津与海河汇合。

    The Grand Canal joins the Haihe at Tianjin .

  16. 天津市海河开发改造投资风险分析

    Risk Analysis on Investment in Exploiting and Rebuilding Haihe River in Tianjin

  17. 天津市海河开发改造工程实录与思索

    Record and Thinking over the Rehabilitation and Development Project of the Haihe Waterfront in Tianjin

  18. 天津塘沽海河独塔斜拉桥主跨钢箱梁安装施工技术

    Installation Technology of Steel Girder for Main Span of a Single Pylon Cable-stayed Bridge over Haihe River

  19. 主要介绍了天津市海河综合开发工程中的桥梁建设情况。

    The paper mainly introduces the bridge construction conditions in Haihe River Comprehensive Development Project in Tianjin City .

  20. 天津市海河堤岸改造工程土层锚杆试验及施工技术研究

    Study on Earth Mooring Rod Test and Construction Technique Adopted in the HaiHe Bank Reinforcing Engineering in Tianjin

  21. 天津市海河意式风情区是意大利在其境外惟一的、也是保留最为完整的近代历史街区。

    Tianjin Italian style historic district is the only one and most integrated recent historic district of Italy oversea .

  22. 天津市海河下游冶金工业区软土蠕变沉降研究

    A Research on Creep Settlement of Soft Soil in the Metallurgy Industrial Region at the Backward Position of Haihe River in Tianjin

  23. 该文主要介绍了天津市海河综合开发工程桥梁建设中既有开启桥梁的情况。

    The article mainly introduces the conditions of the opening bridge in the bridge construction of Tianjin City Sea River Comprehensive Development Project .

  24. 天津因海河而形成与发展,海河是天津重要的、具有唯一性的水域景观资源。

    Tianjin relies on Haihe River to take shape and develop , so Haihe River is the important and unique water landscape resource in Tianjin .

  25. 历史街区新建筑的植入及其同周边环境的整合天津市海河意式风情区14号地办公楼项目研究报告水的记忆意大利滨水景观

    Embedding new buildings and confirming the site in historical districts : study in office building project in No.14 area in Hai River Italian style historic district in Tianjin

  26. 介绍了天津市海河综合开发工程桥梁建设中对金汤桥和解放桥这两座百年开启桥进行修复加固的情况。

    Introduced hereby is the works to repair and strengthen Jintang Bridge and Jiefang Bridge , the two movable bridges over a hundred years old , in the bridge construction , as part of the comprehensive development project of Hai River , Tianjin .

  27. 作为天津市海河开发建设七大异国风情区项目之一的德式风情区,坐落在河西区界内,原为天津德租界,规划总用地面积47.02公顷。

    Tianjin Haihe River as the development and construction of seven exotic one area of the German customs area , located in the west of the district boundaries , the former German concession in Tianjin , planning the total land area of 47.02 hectares .

  28. 最后,论文以天津市海河教育园区起步区规划设计项目为实例,尤其以天津现代职业技术学院规划设计实践为依托,探讨了大学校园工程实践中多元化的建筑形象表达问题。

    It also provides various individual design strategies and methods of campus architectural image . Finally , this paper discusses the problems of diversifying expression for university construction practices with a project of Tianjin Haihe Education Park and Tianjin Modern Vocational Technology College for example .

  29. 按照天津市海河综合开发工程总体规划要求,从满足使用功能、传承历史文化、突出建筑景观等方面出发,对天津海河上既有开启桥梁进行修复与加固。

    According to the overall planning requirements of Tianjin City Sea River Comprehensive Development Project , meeting the use function , spreading and inheriting the historical civilization and highlighting the building landscape , the opening bridge on the sea river of Tianjin is restored and reinforced .

  30. 本文就笔者近年来在国内率先提出的光文化设计理念,以天津市海河外滩公园的设计为案例,详细介绍了设计过程中如何以文化为主线进行照明设计的构思方法。

    Based on the ` light culture ' design theory which was proposed by the author , this article introduced the way to conceive the lighting plan in the main clue of culture , taking as an example the case of Tianjin Haihe River Bund Park lighting design .