
Also , the properties of erosion on cracking surfaces and that of clogging in cracks have been studied by means of two erosion test equipments .
Introduces the type selection of slurry separating equipment for commercial grade wet phosphoric acid , the test procedure and parameters are provided as the basis for type selection of industrial filtering equipment .
Some problems of sedimentation calculation in mathematical models
Iron and aluminum compounds are generally regarded as undesirable because of sludge formation in the product acid .
Sludges forming in the acid interfere with storage and handling . Save : The operation of storing data on disc or tape .
In this paper , water level variation according to different riverbed deformation in river channels with different kinds of cross section shape is analyzed .
Results Among 63 cases , cholestatic cholecystitis were 55 cases ( 87 % ), gallbladder wall thickening with small amount of sediment 8 cases ( 12.7 % ) .
In order to improve the benefit and speed up the development speed , a series of optimization probe into the construction scheme for siltation of waterway construction were carried out .
By means of model experiments of sediment deposition and wash , the characteristics of suspended sediment movement under the action of gravity and turbulent diffusion are studied in this paper , and some problems concerning sediment deposition and wash in the prototype lateral canal are solved .
During the typhoon attacking , the sediment on beaches in nearshore zone are easily suspended and transported by large waves and storm surge . The sudden siltation can occur due to sediment deposit in channel , which may cause serious effects on the harbor navigation and operation .
To meet some practical need such as analysis of erosive and alluvial change of two periods and navigational channel dredging , this paper carries out in-depth and detailed study on DEM models of two periods .
Analysis on Channel Scouring and Silting and Self-adjusting in Midstream and Downstream Reaches of Changjiang River
The present model is also proper for describing the sediment sorting accompanied with erosion and depositional processes .
Study on the Channel Evolution Analysis and Regulation Plan at the Middle and Lower Reaches of Liao River
And young men like billiards and cards , which take their minds off the imbecility of everyday work .
Response of middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River to the initial operation stage of the Three Gorges Project
In the normal operation of the mine and production safety , cleaning the silt coal in water storage is very important .
In addition , the impoundment of the reservoir and the release of clear water will cause the silting and scouring variation , result in changes of storage and discharge relation and river-lake relation , and influence the flood control situation .
In this paper the sedimentation problems existing in hydro-juntion constructions are summarized . Some basic methods of presenting the damage caused by sedimentation and controling sediment by water diversion which are applied in the design of medium head and low head water power stations are analysed .