
  • 网络tianjin port
  1. 天津口岸1999~2004年3月出入境人员HIV感染监测结果分析

    An analysis on surveillance report of HIV infection in entry and exit persons in Tianjin Port , 1999 ~ 2004,3

  2. 目的为了解天津口岸出入境人员HIV感染状况及发展趋势,研究制定切实有效的防控措施。

    Objective In order to comprehend entry-exit people 's HIV infective condition and developmental tendency in Tianjin Port , and for drafting effective preventative measure .

  3. 天津口岸出入境人员丙型肝炎感染情况的调查和分析

    Investigation and analys HCV infection among entry-exit people at Tianjin Port

  4. 天津口岸二类开放码头捕获日本大蠊

    Japanese Cockroach was captured at regional port of Tianjin

  5. 天津口岸高效通关:合力助推滨海新区发展

    High efficient ship clearing procedure in Tianjin Port for promoting the development of the Binhai New Area by joint efforts

  6. 天津机场口岸媒介生物种类及季节消长调查报告

    Investigation on species composition and seasonal fluctuation of vectors at Tianjin airport

  7. 天津市口岸出入境人员及交通运输工具预测研究

    Research and Forecast for People and Transportation of Exit and Entry from Tianjin Port

  8. 1860年第二次鸦片战争后,天津被迫为通商口岸,帝国主义国家纷纷来津开辟租界,不同行业、不同规模的商店应运而生。

    After the Second Opium War in 1860 , Tianjin have to open to The imperialist countries . Different industries and different size of the store been coming .

  9. 昌黎蜜梨不仅销往国内数省,而且还冠以“天津蜜梨”的称谓,由天津口岸远销香港及东南亚地区。

    Changli Pear not only sold in the domestic several provinces , but also labeled as " Tianjin Pear " in the title , from Tianjin Port sold in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia .