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  • grand hotel
大饭店 [dà fàn diàn]
  • [Grand Hotel] 设备完美的或宏伟的大旅馆,常住有国际旅客

大饭店[dà fàn diàn]
  1. 他们住在布达佩斯大饭店。

    They stayed at The Grand Hotel , Budapest .

  2. 美国广播公司(ABC)正在拍摄《大饭店》(GrandHotel),剧本出自《绝望的主妇》(DesperateHousewives)演员伊娃·朗格利亚(EvaLongoria)和美国广播公司当红情景剧编剧布莱恩·泰诺(BrianTanen)。

    ABC is developing Grand Hotel , a soapy drama from former Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria and the hit ABC / ABC Studios dramedy 's writer Brian Tanen .

  3. 没有几家城市酒店能与克里雍大饭店媲美。

    Few city hotels can outclass the Hotel de Crillon .

  4. 他们甚至派人在首都的大饭店外面站岗。

    They 've even mounted guard outside the main hotel in the capital

  5. 国宾大饭店是洛杉矶的地标性建筑之一。

    The Ambassador Hotel is a Los Angeles landmark .

  6. 拉尔夫·法因斯(RalphFiennes),《布达佩斯大饭店》(TheGrandBudapestHotel)

    Ralph Fiennes , " The Grand Budapest Hotel "

  7. 韦斯·安德森(WesAnderson),《布达佩斯大饭店》

    Wes Anderson , " The Grand Budapest Hotel "

  8. 《浮华大饭店》被戏称为“西班牙唐顿庄园”,故事发生在1905年的西班牙,一直是电影公司BetaFilms海内外销量第一的剧。

    Dubbed " a Spanish Downton Abbey , " the original series , set in 1905 Spain , has been a top international seller for Beta Films .

  9. 《布达佩斯大饭店》(TheGrandBudapestHotel)以20世纪30年代为背景,通过独特的元素和道具定义它的世界。

    And The Grand Budapest Hotel , set mainly in the 1930s , uses distinct elements and props to help define its world .

  10. 实上,在她的宣言不久,我就看见章子怡在中国大饭店与汪小菲做spa。

    However , shortly after her love announcement , I saw Zhang checking into a lover 's suite at China World Hotelspawith Wang Xiaofei .

  11. 大连香格里拉大饭店中水回用工程设计规模为60m3/d,采用MBR工艺。

    The wastewater reuse project of ShangriLa Hotel in Dalian City was designed as a MBR facility with capacity of 60 cubic meters per day .

  12. 韦斯·安德森(WesAnderson)的《布达佩斯大饭店》(TheGrandBudapestHotel)和莫腾·泰杜姆(MortenTyldum)的《模仿游戏》也是如此。

    But so did " The Grand Budapest Hotel , " by Wes Anderson , and " The Imitation Game , " by Morten Tyldum .

  13. 遭遇洪水后,组委会立即开展了工作,了解洪水对奥普瑞兰大饭店(GaylordOpryland)的影响,并找了一处新地点。

    The Organizing Committee began working immediately to understand the impact to the Gaylord Opryland and to find a new location .

  14. 2014年,演员蒂尔达·斯文顿(TildaSwinton)在四部电影中戴着假牙:《零点定理》(TheZeroTheorem)、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《唯爱永生》(OnlyLoversLeftAlive),以及奉俊昊导演的《雪国列车》(Snowpiercer)。

    In 2014 , the actress Tilda Swinton wore false teeth in four movies : " The Zero Theorem , " " The Grand Budapest Hotel , " " Only Lovers Left Alive " and " Snowpiercer , " a film directed by Bong Joon-ho .

  15. 音乐与喜剧类最佳男主角:拉尔夫·费因斯(RalphFiennes),《布达佩斯大饭店》;迈克尔·基顿,《鸟人》;比尔·默瑞,《圣人文森特》;杰昆·菲尼克斯(JoaquinPhoenix),《性本恶》(InherentVice);克里斯托弗·华尔兹(ChristophWaltz),《大眼睛》

    Best Actor , Musical or Comedy : Ralph Fiennes , " The Grand Budapest Hotel " Michael Keaton , " Birdman " Bill Murray , " St. Vincent " Joaquin Phoenix , " Inherent Vice " Christoph Waltz , " Big Eyes "

  16. 此外,裕景大饭店已经加入Worldhotels全球预订网络,可以利用该网络成熟的市场和销售体系,吸引更多境外旅客入住。

    What 's more , as a member of WORLDHOTELS , Eton can take advantage of the former 's mature sales and marketing facilities to attract more inbound travelers .

  17. 我的意思是,您那儿离国宾大饭店远吗?

    I mean , is it far from the Ambassador Hotel ?

  18. 他在皇宫大饭店的套房里睡着了。

    He was asleep in his suite in the palace hotel .

  19. 晚上好,先生。欢迎光临国宾大饭店。

    Good evening , sir . Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel .

  20. 我现在住在国宾大饭店。

    A : I am at the Ambassador Hotel right now .

  21. 他在圆山大饭店住了三天。

    He checked into the grand hotel for a three-day stay .

  22. 这家公司将要在帝国大饭店举行一个庆圣诞晚宴舞会。

    The company is had a christmas dinner-dance at the imperial hotel .

  23. 大饭店是一个适合居住的地方。

    The Grand Hotel is a comfortable place to stay .

  24. 我是皇宫大饭店的一个接待员。

    I 'm a desk clerk at the Palace Hotel .

  25. 如果说北京的话那就当属中国大饭店了。

    China World Hotel Beijing is my favorite Beijing hotel .

  26. 圆山大饭店,圆山大饭店离这远吗?

    The Grand hotel , is it far from here ?

  27. 对不起,请问到圆山大饭店怎么走?

    Excuse me , How do I get to the Grand hotel ?

  28. 世界各地的大饭店都很相像。

    Big hotels all over the world are very much the same .

  29. 史密斯一家在大饭店预定了一个房间。

    The Smiths have engaged a room in Grand Hotel .

  30. 我们在大饭店预订了一个房间。

    We have reserved a room at the grant hotel .