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  1. 大英博物馆于1759年开放?

    The British Museum opened in 1759 ?

  2. 我正在我最喜欢的伦敦去处之一写这篇专栏:大英博物馆(britishmuseum)的大中庭(greatcourt)。

    I am writing this column in one of my favourite London haunts the great court at the British Museum .

  3. 在把大英博物馆(britishmuseum)的展览《英国与世界(1714-1830)》于2007年带至北京的过程中,该基金起到了很大作用。

    The foundation was instrumental in taking a British Museum exhibition , Britain meets the world 1714-1830 , to Beijing in 2007 .

  4. 帕台农神庙的许多大理石雕塑在1803年被英国人运走,今天保存在大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)。

    Many of the marble sculptures of the Parthenon were removed by the British in1803 and are today held by the British Museum .

  5. 周五在伦敦大英博物馆的一次新闻发布会上向外界公布了3D图像和其中之一的痕迹模型。

    The 3-D images and a model of one of the imprints were unveiled Friday at a news conference at the British Museum , in London .

  6. 中华文明黄金时期明代的稀世珍宝将在大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)的一个旗舰展亮相。

    Rare treasures from the golden period of Chinese civilisation under the Ming dynasty are to go on display in a flagship exhibition at the British Museum .

  7. 甚至连那些对自己的永久藏品不收门票的博物馆,比如大英博物馆和伦敦的国家美术馆(NationalGallery),也开设需要支付门票的特别展览。

    Even museums that don 't charge admission to their permanent collections , like the British Museum and the National Gallery in London , have special exhibitions that require paying tickets .

  8. 我当时是大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)的考古学家。最后,我们在拉特兰郡一座农家小屋安下了家,这里离乔恩所在的皇家空军斯坎普顿基地很近。

    I was working as an archaeologist at the British Museum and we eventually settled down in a little cottage in Rutland , close to Jon 's base at RAF Scampton .

  9. 不过,有一次在参观大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)时,这名年轻人看到了一幅照片,拍的是一艘饱经风雨的旧船。从此,情况开始好转起来。

    Things start looking up , however , when on a visit to the British Museum the young man sees a photo of an old ship that has weathered many storms .

  10. 伦敦大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)新近举办的美奂美仑、备受推崇的中国明朝珍宝展,赞助商就是这样一家大型能源公司,这或许并非偶然。

    Perhaps it is no coincidence then to find one of the majors sponsoring the brilliant and highly recommended new exhibition of treasures from the Ming Dynasty at the British Museum in London .

  11. 据《艺术报》(TheArtNewspaper)说,去年夏天大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)的游客人数打破了记录,2013年全年接待游客670万人次,成为世界上第二大被参观最多的艺术博物馆。

    Last summer the British Museum had record attendance , and for 2013 as a whole it had 6.7 million visitors , making it the world 's second-most-visited art museum , according to The Art Newspaper .

  12. 但当大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)与O2共同庆祝参观人数创下纪录的时候,它们找到了一个共同点。而这也标志着伦敦文化景点的访客人数大幅上升。

    But both the British Museum and the O2 have found something in common , as they celebrate record attendance figures that mark a boom in visitor numbers to London 's cultural attractions .

  13. 问:你这种关注文物的做法,让我想起了大英博物馆的尼尔·麦格雷戈(NeilMacGregor)推出的播客和他出版的《大英博物馆世界简史》(AHistoryoftheWorldin100Objects)。

    Q. Your method of focusing on objects reminds me of the podcasts and book published by Neil MacGregor of the British Museum , " A History of the World in 100 Objects . "

  14. 一个租赁协议意味着,一个贫穷国家的政府可以邀请纽约大都会博物馆(metropolitanmuseum)或者大英博物馆承担挖掘、研究和保护这些珍宝的繁琐工作,以此换取25年展览权之类的回报。

    A leasing arrangement would mean that an impoverished government could invite the Metropolitan Museum or the British Museum to go to all the trouble of excavating , researching and protecting the treasures in exchange for , say , the right to exhibit them for 25 years .

  15. 有个名字不断出现——拉斐尔·波达洛·皮涅罗(RafaelBordaloPinheiro),他是19世纪著名的插画家和陶艺家,作品被大英博物馆收藏。

    One marquee name in stock is Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro , a celebrated 19th-century illustrator and ceramist whose work has been collected by the British Museum .

  16. 总理的消息很灵通——她每天阅读的媒体简报长达100页,她还是一个自豪的知识分子,乐于和大英博物馆即将卸任的馆长尼尔麦格雷戈(NeilMacGregor)这样的聪明人为友。

    The chancellor is well informed - her daily media briefing runs to 100 pages - and an unashamed intellectual , delighting in clever company such as Neil MacGregor , the British Museum 's outgoing director .

  17. 因为人多,大英博物馆的汤利维纳斯(TownleyVenus)的手指最近几年被撞掉了好几次。汤利维纳斯是1世纪至2世纪的罗马雕塑,有伸出来的手臂。

    Because of crowds , the Townley Venus in the British Museum , a first - to second-century Roman statue with an outstretched arm , has had its fingers knocked off a few times in recent years .

  18. adamfarquhar负责大英博物馆的数字项目,他指出在某种程度上全世界对20世纪初期的记录比21世纪初期的记录要好。

    Adam Farquhar , in charge of digital projects for the British Library , points out that the world has in some ways a better record of the beginning of the 20th century than of the beginning of the 21st .

  19. 博物馆包括大英博物馆,维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,国家美术馆,泰特美术馆的,收集的华莱士,该研究所的当代艺术,并Saachi画廊。

    Museums include the British Museum , the Victoria and Albert Museum , the National Gallery , the Tate Gallery , the Wallace Collection , the Institute of Contemporary Art , and the Saachi Gallery .

  20. 意大利旅行指南、大英博物馆参观要览。

    A guide to italy , to the British museum , etc.

  21. 以上这张图片是08年英国伦敦的大英博物馆。

    The pic above is at the British Museum , 2008 .

  22. 邓宁把大英博物馆里发生的事情告诉了他。

    Dunning told him what had happened in the British Museum .

  23. 对不起,我在找大英博物馆!

    Excuse me . I 'm looking for the British Museum .

  24. 从此之后,它就一直被存放于大英博物馆。

    They 've been housed at the British Museum ever since .

  25. 此次威尔斯展品均来自大英博物馆。

    The wells exhibit is on loan from the British museum .

  26. 胡须的三十分之一目前陈列在大英博物馆。

    One-thirtieth of the beard is currently in the British museum .

  27. 维维安·戴维斯在大英博物馆管理古埃及文物。

    Vivian Davies manages ancient Egyptian artifacts at the British Museum .

  28. 你去哪儿了?我们去了大英博物馆。

    Where did you go ? We went to the British Museum .

  29. 他很有兴趣地采取一帧的运动,并派它的大英博物馆。

    There is a large library in the British Museum .

  30. 他请求到大英博物馆去做研究的申请书。

    His application to do research in the British museum .