
  • 网络Greater Iran
  1. 糠醛精制能大幅度降低伊朗各线原料的硫、氮及芳烃含量,大幅度降低脱沥青油的残炭值;

    The furfural extraction can reduce the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon content , the nitrogen content and the carbon residue of DAO .

  2. 俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫已经抵达,世界六大强国和伊朗的谈判人员试图就冻结伊朗大部分核计划以换取有限制裁的解除达成初步协议。

    Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov arrived and negotiators for 6 world powers and Iran struggle to agree on language for preliminary agreement to freeze much of Iran 's nuclear program in exchange for limited sanctions relief .

  3. 明天世界六大强国将与伊朗在日内瓦会面,就证实伊朗核意图举行会谈。

    Tomorrow six world powers meet with Iran in Geneva for talks on verifying that country 's nuclear intentions .

  4. 伊朗和世界六大强国结束了伊朗核项目的新一轮谈判,虽然未取得足够的进展,但是各方仍有达成协议的可能性。

    Iran and six world powers ended another round of talks on Iran 's nuclear program , noting that not enough progress has been made , but agreement is still possible .

  5. 肯杨:如何限制伊朗的铀浓缩能力是个大问题,如果伊朗同意进行核限制并允许强制检查,那如何以及何时解除经济制裁也是个问题。

    KENYON : How to limit Iran 's uranium enrichment capacity is a big issue , as is how and when to lift economic sanctions , if Iran agrees to nuclear restrictions and intrusive inspections .

  6. 油相芳烃含量对两个系列油-水界面张力的影响不同,对大庆中间馏分的油-水界面张力影响大,而对伊朗轻质减渣中间馏分的影响小。

    The effects of the aromatic content of oil phase on the oil-water interfacial tension of the two series were different , the fractions in the middle of Daqing series are affected by oil phase much more than those of Iranian light series .

  7. 据中国网报道,第15届上海国际电影节颁奖典礼周日在上海大剧院举行,伊朗电影《熊》获得最佳影片金爵奖,导演克斯罗•马素米成为首位获得两座最佳影片金爵奖的导演。

    Iranian drama " Bear " was named the Best Feature Film at the 15th Shanghai International Film Festival ( SIFF ) ' s Golden Goblet Awards ceremony held at the Shanghai Grand Theater in Shanghai on Sunday , China.org.cn reported . Iranian director Khosrow Masoumi is the first director to scoop the award twice .