
  • 网络Great Environmental Protection;Further environmental protection
  1. 小童谣唱出大环保

    Little Nursery Rhyme Sings for Big Environmental Protection

  2. 原协会会长彭暖龙还荣获“广东省十大环保学生杰出成就奖”。

    Original association President Peng Nuanlong also has the honor to receive " the Guangdong Province ten big environmental protection student outstanding achievement award " .

  3. 在这个各大环保组织不断提醒人们警惕过度捕捞的时代,有一个保护组织却鼓励渔民将一种鱼类赶尽杀绝,这真的非比寻常。

    At a time when environmental groups are warning about over-fishing , it 's unusual for a conservation group to encourage fishers to decimate a species .

  4. 首大能源环保集团是财富联合集团下属产业集团之一。

    Shouda Energy and Environmental Protection Group is one of the industrial groups affiliated to Fortune United Group Co.

  5. 美国环境管理体系的构建与其历史上的三次大的环保运动密不可分。

    The construction of the US environmental management system is closely linked to the three environmental protection campaigns in its history .

  6. 聚醋酸乙烯酯乳液价格低、生产方便、黏合强度大、环保,但是其耐水性不好。

    Polyvinyl acetate emulsion is low cost , easy to produce , high bonding strength , environment friendly but poor water resistance .

  7. 咱们可是有责任的企业,再大的环保投入,该上一定得上!

    But our enterprise has the responsibility for environment protection , no matter how much has been spend on the environment protection , we must do it .

  8. 由于具有廉价,储存量大,环保的特点和优异的电化学性能,C0304成为最有应用前景的超级电容器电极材料之一。

    Because of low cost , natural abundance , environmental safety and excellent electrochemical properties , cobalt oxide is found to be one of most promising electrode materials of supercapacitor .

  9. 旧金山在城市垃圾的回收利用方面一直走在世界前列,最近又打算在其市内的狗公民身上大做环保文章。这是美国国内第一次尝试将狗粪转化为能源。

    San Francisco , a leader in urban recycling , is preparing to enlist its canine population for a first in the United States : converting dog poop into energy .

  10. 在目前的动力蓄电池中,锂电池具有能量密度大、环保等优点,广泛应用于多种电动车中。

    Since the lithium battery has the advantages like high energy density and eco-friendliness among the existent power batteries , many kinds of electric vehicle employ it as the source of power .

  11. 现代城市轨道交通系统具有安全准时、舒适快捷、容量大、环保、能源消耗低的优点而越来越受到青睐。

    Modern urban rail transit ( URT ) is more popular because of its advantages in safety , punctuality , comfort , convenience , large capacity , environment friendly and lower energy consumption .

  12. 针对快速时尚中日益凸显的周期快、质量低、浪费大等环保问题,本文探究了中美两国大学生消费者在快速时尚品牌方面的绿色消费行为模式。

    According to the increasingly prominent environmental problems in the fast fashion , such as quick circle , low quality , and large waste , this paper explored green consumption behavior patterns in fast fashion between Chinese and American college students .

  13. 随着环境保护压力越来越大,环保制度更加严厉,企业被迫承担起更多回收产品的责任,而经济利益的驱使,使得更多的企业参与到逆向物流中。

    With the increasing pressure of environmental protection and the more severe of environmental protection system , the companies are forced to accept more responsibility for recycling products . Besides driven by economic interests , it make more enterprises to participate in the reverse logistics .

  14. 煤粉加压气化技术是一种洁净煤气化新工艺,该工艺对原料的适用性强,碳的转化率高,氧耗、煤耗低,操作弹性大,环保性能好。

    Pulverized coal pressurization and gasification technology is a new process of cleaning coal gasification , the process is characterized by strong suitability on raw material , high conversion rate for carbon , lower consumption for oxygen and coal , flexible for operation , good performance for environmental protection .

  15. 大容积焦炉环保措施简介

    Brief description of environment protect measures on high capacity coke oven

  16. 着力处理三大关系推进环保事业快速发展

    Focus on the Management of Three Relationships to Promote Rapid Development of Environmental Business

  17. 质量标准中的法定标准主要有两大类:环保标准和安全标准。

    In the legislative quality standard category , environment standard and safety standard are two most important types .

  18. 环氧大豆油作为环保、稳定、可生物降解的增塑剂,是国际公认的绿色增塑剂。

    Epoxy Soybean Oil ( ESO ) as environmental , biologic degradative and steady plasticizer is an internationally recognized green plasticizing agent .

  19. 光伏发电以其资源储量大、清洁环保等优点,成为目前最具大规模开发、利用前景的新能源利用方式之一。

    Photovoltaic ( PV ) power generation has became the most massive prospects for the development and utilization of new energy use by far with its advantages of larger reserves , clean environmental protection .

  20. 在工业化、城市化发展过程中,由于人口密度高、交通压力大,生态环保、可持续发展等问题日益突出,对农业和城乡协调发展提出了新的要求。

    In this course , due to the increasingly prominent problems of high population density , traffic pressure , ecological and environmental protection and sustainable development , new requirements in strengthening the harmonious development of city and countryside has arisen .

  21. 西部大开发与内蒙古环保产业的发展

    West Development Strategy and the Development of Environmental Protection Industry in Inner Mongolia

  22. 在地面装饰材料中,地板单品更是大打低碳环保牌。

    Decorative materials in the ground , the floor is playing the single-product carbon green cards .

  23. 西部大开发应增强环保意识

    Consciousness Must Be Raised of Environmental Protection for the Great Development of the West of China

  24. 环保问题成为如今一大社会问题,环保报道应作为媒体关注的一个重点。

    The environment protection is one of the most important social problems today , so its report should become a main point in medias .

  25. 铁路运输以其安全、快速、运量大、节能、环保等优点,在全世界得到迅速发展。

    Railway transportation are developing quickly all over the world with its advantages of security , rapid , large volume , energy-saving and pro-environment .

  26. 相关学生组织,例如绿色天地、中大绿色报、环保科学系系会、地理与资源管理系系会等,会举办各项活动及出版通讯,鼓励同学支持环保。

    Different student organizations e.g.green world , green post , Environmental Science Society and geography and resource management society organize activities and publish newsletters to promote environmental awareness among students .

  27. 认为研制高能量、低感度、大产气量、环保、廉价的可燃剂是气体发生剂的发展趋势。

    It is considered that the gas generant with high energy , low sensitivity , large gas productivity , eco-friendly environment and low cost is the development tendency in the future .

  28. 这座位于澳大利亚第二大城市中心的环保建筑消耗的能源只有普通办公大楼的15%,用水量只有30%左右。

    The environmentally friendly building in the heart of Australia 's second biggest city consumes only 15 percent of the energy of a regular office tower and about 30 percent of the water .

  29. 随着我国汽油需求量的大幅度增加和环保法规的日益严格,要求各炼厂提供越来越多的辛烷值高、烯烃和硫含量低的重整汽油组分。

    More and more reformed gasoline constituent with high octane number , low alkene and sulfur contents will be required with the increasing demand for gasoline and the increasing strict act protecting the environment .

  30. 如今,驱动数据中心的两大概念经济和环保使服务器虚拟化成为IT世界的一个热门话题。许多硬件和软件供应商都提供了解决方案。

    Thanks to two concepts driving the data center today economy and green computing server virtualization is a hot topic in the IT world and a lot of hardware and software vendors are offering solutions .