
  1. 大因加项目的地址位于刚果民主共和国的最西端,由多座大坝和水电站构成,装机容量将达4.2万兆瓦,接近目前世界第一大水电站中国三峡(ThreeGorgesDam)的两倍。

    Located in the far western extreme of the Democratic Republic of Congo , several dams and hydropower plants would deliver 42000 megawatts , nearly twice the size of the world 's largest power station , the Three Gorges Dam in China .

  2. 在大坝、水电站、水库等水利工程中,常采用各类水位计量装置来实时检测水位变化情况。

    In water conservancy , various kinds of water-level measuring instruments are adopted to measure water-level change in time .

  3. 三峡工程位于长江三峡之一的西陵峡的中段,坝址在宜昌市的三斗坪。三峡工程建筑由大坝、水电站厂房和通航建筑物三大部分组成。

    The Three Gorges Project ( TGP ) is located in Sandouping of the Xiling Gorge , consisting of a large dam across a river , hydroelectric power station and navigation structures .

  4. 混凝土大坝裂缝是水电站建设以及运行期普遍关注的问题之一,某些比较严重的裂缝会影响到大坝的安全运行。

    In the stage of construction and operation of concrete dam , cracks have been paid enough attention because some serious cracks may reduce the dams ' safety .